By Fr Franklin DSouza

Shivamogga, March 1 : The Cross feast was celebrated at the Cross hill (Shilube Gudda), Kargal in the Diocese of Shimoga on February 28, 2022.

Every year before Ash Wednesday faithful of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Kargal celebrate the Cross feast.

This year's Cross feast was on February 28th Monday. At 5:30 pm, Divine Mercy Rosary was led by the parishioners. Then Fr Franklin D'Souza, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Assumption Church, Hiriyur, Chitradurga District led the healing prayer near the Miraculous Cross and blessed the faithful gathered.

At 6:30 pm, Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza celebrated the Festal Holy Eucharist together with Rev. Fr Ronald Vegas, Dean of Maria Vianney Deanery as well as Parish Priest of Christ the King Church, Jogfalls and Rev. Fr Clarence Dias, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Kargal.

In his homily Fr Franklin D'Souza stressed on Obedience, Faith and Humility through which we can defeat the Wiles of the evil one. He said , "Through the cross we have attained salvation from sin. It is the Sacrifice, passion and suffering of Jesus through Cross reconciled us with the Father. As he emptied Himself, we need to empty ourselves and allow God to fill us with His Holy Spirit. We should not take our eternity lightly". Then he made a prayer of surrender.

Parish Priest Fr Clarence Dias thanked Fr Franklin D'Souza for enlightening the faithful upon the importance of the Cross feast. Then he thanked everyone who made the feast successful.

At the end sweets were served to all.


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