Media Release

Bajpe, Sep 20, 2024 — An impactful awareness program on drug abuse was conducted on September 19 at 10 a.m. on the grounds of Holy Family High School, Bajpe. The event aimed at educating students about the dangers of drug abuse and empowering them to make informed decisions. Students and teachers from three schools—Holy Family High School, Little Flower Higher Primary School, and Bethany English Medium School—actively participated in the event.

The program began with a prayer led by students, invoking blessings for the success of the initiative. Mr. Vasu Dev Rao warmly welcomed the dignitaries and attendees, setting the tone for the day.

A skit performed by the students vividly depicted the adverse effects of drug abuse, leaving a strong impact on the audience. The performance was met with great applause for its message and execution.

The chief guest, Sr Herita Mathias, Director of Shubadha Social Center, Suralpady, delivered a powerful and enlightening speech on the dangers of drug abuse. She highlighted the crucial role of education and awareness in preventing addiction, urging students to stay vigilant and resist peer pressure.

Following her speech, Sr Herita led the students in an oath-taking ceremony, where everyone pledged to live a drug-free life and spread awareness about the dangers of substance abuse within their communities.

A prize distribution ceremony followed, where winners of various competitions held earlier in the day were recognized for their talents and commitment to spreading awareness about drug abuse. Their efforts were celebrated with enthusiasm by both students and teachers alike.

The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Mrs. Lilly Menezes, who expressed gratitude to the dignitaries, participants, and all those who contributed to making the event a success.

On stage with the chief guest were: Sr Ileene, Coordinator of Jeevandhar Trust, Kulshekar; Miss Veenutha, Social Worker; Sr Jessyprima, Headmistress of Holy Family High School; Sr Prefilda, Headmistress of Little Flower Higher Primary School and Sr Veena, Headmaster of Bethany English Medium School.

The event was skillfully compered by Mr. Prashant, ensuring a smooth flow of the program. The program was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on the students and teachers present, encouraging them to be advocates for a drug-free society.


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