By Fr. Franklin DSouza

Shivamogga, Mar 12 : Fifteenth Anniversary of Legion of Mary "Mount Mary Commitsium" of the Diocese of Shimoga was celebrated on March 11, 2018. In the morning, Legion of Mary members prayed Rosary. Bishop Francis Serrao SJ celebrated Holy Eucharist and preached on importance of fourty days in Lent , also on role of Mother Mary in the salvation history.

After the Mass stage program was organized at Snehasadan hall. After the Prayer dance and report, Bishop blessed souvenirs. Legion of Mary members honored the guests. Bishop in his address explained two parts of Legion and Mary. Why Legion of Mary in the Church? It's a war without sword but with Word of God and Prayer, he said.

Spiritual Director Fr. Franklin D'Souza in his message spoke about commitment in the Legion of Mary. After lunch , Fr Franklin D'Souza led the Adoration and thanked God and prayed for the future if Legion of Mary.

From various units, members performed / enacted beautiful message about the importance of Legion of Mary. Legion of Mary Diocesan President Mr. Vijay Ratna Kumar and team organized the program. Around 350 Legion members from all over the Diocese gathered.


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