Deacons have had a privileged role in the history of the Church from the earliest days. The word "deacon" comes from the Greek word "diakonos" which means servant or waiter. In the early Church, Deacons were chosen among Christian communities to help with the ministry of the Church. To this day, they fill an indispensable role. Deacons can witness and bless marriages, they can baptize and celebrate funerals outside of a Mass, preach the Gospel and give homilies, and they can even expose the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration. They can receive all 7 sacraments, being able to get married and ordained. Deacon Rob Joseph, who serves at Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church in the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, joins to share how one discerns the diaconate. He tells EWTN what he would say to a successful professional who might be discerning the call to the diaconate. Deacon Rob explains what his thoughts and expectations are about this upcoming Jubilee of Deacons.


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