Media Release

Mangaluru, Nov 7 : "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."- Mark 10:45.

Commemorating 50 years of Parish Pastoral Parishad , people of St Joseph Church, Jeppu honoured 50 of its present and former members for their selfless service to St Joseph Church, during the 8:00 am mass on 6th November 2022. The main celebrant Fr Ronald Serrao along with the parish priest Fr Maxim D'Souza, expressed their gratitude and appreciation to all those who have contributed immensely in the mission of building the Kingdom of God, in the Local Church, by their dedication. Each of the members was presented with a memento as a sign of gratitude.

"May the path lit by these torch bearers enlighten many more to follow this path of Service!"


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