Background : 

Once part of the Rosario Cathedral church, Derebail was later a part of Urwa parish for nearly 60 years.

Unfortunately during those days there were only 3 parishes in the vicinity i.e., Bondel, Bejai and Urwa; and most of the laity were attending the church which they found closer. As buses too were not operating like now, most of them had to depend by walking over the distances, for the sick and aged persons attending Mass and receiving Communion was only a dream. Such was the situation for the people who were dwelling in Konchady, Parapade & Gollachil, as any one of the aforementioned Churches were a question of distance. Setting up a church in any convenient location was the need of the hour. Besides Derebail was a forest-like place in which wild animals were dwelling. It was dangerous to walk alone after dark as one had to confront even the presence of a tiger at times. In emergency cases people used to carry a torch made of straw and also a strong stick in the company of others. The main occupation was farming and flower business. The scenario was primitive with narrow mud terrain, straw roofed houses with attached stables for cattle, kerosine oil lamps, dens for chicken and pigs, mostly uneducated people though, very cooperative amongst one another, with greenery, clean air etc. The people working in their farms and gardens and one could hear hymns after angelus & rosary which was a daily system before retiring to bed. As it was difficult to make both ends meet for their daily bread, the building of a Church was also an equally difficult task. Despite all the difficulties the enthusiasm of building an own parish was increasing.

Hence a proposal in this direction was put forth on 23-02-1936 with Rt. Rev. Victor Rosario Fernandes. But due to momentary constraints also of place to build one, this proposal had to be put on hold. During which time Mr. Sylvester E. Rego came up with an idea of combining two plots on Mulageni and also by his own personal finance, built a small Church. Subsequently completing registration formalities, Mr. Rego handed over the Church to the then Bishop who accepted his offer and segregated little portions of Bejai, Bondel and Urwa and formed Derebail Church and made the dream come true for the laity of Derebail. The news of establishing Derebail Parish was announced in the neighboring Parishes in 1939 and issued a Decree in order that this parish would start functioning on Easter Sunday of 1939, but the Bishop Victor R Fernandes blessed it on Holy Saturday that year.

The day was a jubilation & celebration day for the parishioners of Derebail. During the Holy Mass at 4.30p.m. with bursting of crackers and a lot of decorations around the Church building and its surroundings. The announcement of this was done in all Churches of the Varado. After the inaugural Mass, the faithful of Derebail parish greeted each other by reciting Angelus and chanting praises to the Patron Holy Redeemer remain with us, Alleluia, Alleluia etc. This ceremony was attended by the then Vicar of Urwa Parish Rev. Fr. P.S. D’Souza, Vicar of Bondel Rev. Fr. John D’Sa, Vicar of Bejai Rev. Fr. L. Saldanha, Vicar of Rosario Cathedral Rev. Fr. V.L. Mathias, Vicar of Milagres Church Rev. Fr. Julian D’Souza, and Director of Fr. Muller’s Hospital, Kankanady Rev. Fr. Reginald Pinto. Added to this, the faithful of neighboring Parishes also attended the function. In addition Mr. Sylvester E. Rego also donated benches, chairs, cots and the Altar. On behalf of the Parishioners Mr. Cajitan Lobo (Parishioner himself) thanked profusely Mr. Sylvester E. Rego the donor.

The then Bishop nominated Rev. Fr. L.S. D’Souza (Laus) as founder Vicar of Derebail Parish effective 09-04-1939. The next day being Easter Sunday the first Holy Mass was offered by new Vicar Rev. Fr. Laus with much celebration, choir etc. following which there was Benediction and singing of Tridium. So from the very infancy of Derebail Parish , there started many associations such as Altar Boys Sodality, St. Vincent De Paul Society, Legion of Mary and so on. As the Parish grew on, it nourished and flourished abundantly. Furthermore with donations received from His Lordship the Bishop, the Belfry and vestments were possible and with donations given by the Parishioners and well-wishers, statues were erected in the Church premises. Mr. Denis Nazareth was the first Administrator of the Parish. 

The boundaries of the Church/Parish were set by Mr. Casmir Nazareth, the Head Clerk of the Bishop’s House and eight wards were formed. Gurkars were nominated to each ward, namely Mr. Alexander (Acchu) Rego for church ward, Mr. Casmir D’Costa for Derebail ward, Mr. Baptist Cornelio for Konchady ward, Mr. Benjamin Vaz for Kapikad Ward; Mr. Mark Pais for Kuntikan Ward, Mr. Paul D’Sa for Bejai Ward, Mr. Hilary Lobo for Barebail Ward and Mr. David Pinto for Kavoor Ward.

During this time the Holy Family School, Managed by Catholic Board of education; and St. Peters School at Kottara was taken over from Mr. Salvadore Goveas by the Bishop. Likewise both the schools progressed with the number of students and with respect to a good standard of education as well.

The very first Parish feast of Derebail was celebrated on 09-11-1939 with great pomp and gaiety; but on the following day i.e. 10-11-1939, Mr. Sylvester E. Rego whilst reciting the Angelus breathed his last due to cardiac arrest. The next day funeral rites were observed by the parishioners; and the mortal remains were laid to rest inside the Church next to the Altar by His Lordship the Bishop.

The Church bell was procured by His Lordship and also a Post Office was opened attached to the Church. During the end of 1941 the work of building a compound wall around the cemetery was completed.

Around (1947) C.Y.M. was established in the parish.

On 29-09-1947,  the completion of the 25th (Silver Jubilee) year of Ordination of Priesthood of Rev. Fr. Laus was celebrated with much grandeur. Together with 75 priests many Catholics and non-Catholics alike participated in the celebration during morning & evening felicitations programs. At which time under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Aloysius Rosario founded the choir group. Rev. Fr. Rosario was not only the Asst. Parish Priest but also the Headmaster of the school.

At the time the Parishioners were involved with flower business, cultivation, salesmen in cloth shops, printing press and daily wages coolies. Few were away from home in places like western ghats and Bombay.

From 1952 onwards, the observance of Catechism day came into effect.

On 16-05-1954, Rev. Fr. Paul Farias came in as Vicar to replace Fr. Laus.

The Altar boys Sodality became much stronger, their Patrons Feast was celebrated on 14-08-1954 for the 1st time and members were conferred with ribbons. Also during the Nativity Feast,  the ceremony of blessing the corn and procession of the Statue of Bambino Mary with children strewing the flowers from Kuntikan (3rd mile) up to the church was started. The tradition of distributing sugar cane to the children who participated in the Novenas also came into practice.

The immediate previous Sunday prior to the Parish Feast (Confraternity) was an attraction by itself and also the procession came into practice during this time. Everyone joined in this ritual, singing loud and clear the hymns and also recitation of prayers. Decorating the entire way of procession was the responsibility of the members of C.Y.M. group.

On 12/13th February 1955, His Lordship Bishop Basil S Peres made his 1st Pastoral visit, during which time the sacrament of confirmation was given to children.

On 23-04-1964 , the Silver Jubilee of the Parish was celebrated with Thanksgiving Mass at 7.00a.m. with His Lordship the Bishop Raymond Domel as main celebrant. The past Asst. Parish Priests namely Rev. Fr. Harold Menezes, Rev. Fr. J. Cornelio and Rev. Fr. Aloysius Rosario concelebrated the Mass with the choir in attendance. About 1200 people attending the Mass were served with breakfast. There was a cultural program in the evening.

On 15-11-1964 , Rev. Fr. Paul Farais who retired and left the Parish due to health problems and Rev. Fr. Robert M.Pinto took over as Vicar.

On 11-05-1965 Rt. Rev. Dr. Basil S. D’Souza was consecrated as Bishop of Mangalore Diocese and paid his first Pastoral visit to the parish on 6-8-1966.

On 16-04-1967, St. Vincent De Paul Society celebrated their Silver Jubilee.

The school at Kottara which was under the care of Derebail Parish had only up to 5th Standard. This was raised up to 6th standard after obtaining required permission from the government. In the year 1969 a new school building was constructed with the donation of Parishioners.

Proposal of a new Church :

The notion of building a bigger church in place of the then small church was there in the minds of parishioners from 1958 itself. Rev. Fr. Robert Pinto put forth the proposal of a new church openly in front of the people and started a church fund. Enthusiastic parishioners filled the Vicar with all support & confidence.

On 26-7-1970, His Lordship gave permission for construction. It was estimated that the cost of construction would be Rs. One and a half lakhs. With enthusiasm and happiness, the project picked up momentum.

On 30-08-1970, in the presence of 1,500 parishioners, the foundation stone was blessed by His Lordship Bishop Basil S. D’Souza. The Parishioners Mr. Francis D’Sa of Konchady Ward was nominated as contractor and Mr. Ronald D’Souza was given the responsibility as all-round supervisor. The work commenced on 14-09-1970, the feast of the triumphant Holy Cross.

On 7-4-1972, Vicar Rev. Fr. Robert Pinto’s Silver Jubilee year of Priesthood and plans were underway for the inaugural function of the newly built church, due to inconvenience / inability for His Lordship to attend, 24-4-1972 was earmarked for the Inaugural. Archbishop Dr. A.V. D’Souza cut the ribbon and declared the Church open for worship; and His Lordship Bishop Basil S. D’Souza blessed the new church and its premises. 12 priests joined the Jubilarian and concelebrated the Holy Mass. The Homily was by Rev. Fr. Aloysius M. Rosario who served as an Asst. Parish Priest in this church for 7 years. The felicitation programme was arranged inside the Church itself. There were 100 priests, 45 Rev. Sisters, 50 close relatives of the Vicar and 2,500 parishioners and their relatives were present. Coffee and refreshments were served to all attendees. Certainly the day could be written with Golden letters. The same evening C.Y.M. celebrated their Silver Jubilee, and on this occasion, a cultural programme was held.

On 10-3-1973 , Rev. Fr. Robert Pinto was transferred to Bejai Parish. On the same day Rev. Fr. Aveline D’Silva took over as new Vicar; who strived hard to strengthen and improve the spiritual life of the faithful. But on grounds of his ill health he requested His Lordship that he be given charge of a smaller Parish, in response he was transferred to Sastan Parish on 27-04-1977. Rev. Fr. Francis Serrao came in his place on 27-04-1977 to Derebail.

On 21-08-1977, the 30th Annual Conference of C.Y.M. was held at Derebail.

On 02-07-1978, Mr. Francis D’Sa, the contractor who handled the construction work of the Church passed away. The person who became popular by discounting 50% of his profit and also by his personal donation of Rs. 5000/- to the Church. His funeral was attended by the parishioners despite heavy showers and paid homage. As a mark of utmost respect and thankfulness, a permanent monument was built over his grave in the cemetery at the cost of the Parish.

It was a matter of great pride and happiness that the Alcoholic Anonymous Association was established in the Parish with a strength of 35 members on 28-02-1978.

1-6-1980 was yet another day to remember as the dream came true to all the Parishioners which was awaited for a long time. A Convent was established by The Providence Sisters of St Anne at the 3rd mile stone of Kuntikan. These Rev. Sisters took over the responsibility of running the Church School.

As the cemetery was small in size and also with the practice of building permanent monuments, it was decided by the Parish Governing Council that the idea of building vaults was thought of. His Lordship approved of this project and in December 1979, 6 vaults were being built.

After serving for 6 years , the Vicar Rev. Fr. Francis Serrao was transferred to Milagres Parish; and Rev. Fr. Peter Theodor D’Souza came in as Vicar on 30-04-1983. The new Vicar gave more importance to changing the liturgical norms. During week days and on Sundays the liturgy was distributed to various groups, congregation singing was encouraged, hence choir group taking leadership started singing with the worshipers. Additionally the Vicar had to take the duties of a Principal at Madyanthar College w.e.f. 15-6-1984.

On 30-05-1987, Rev. Fr. Peter Theodore D’Souza left Derebail on transfer. He was replaced by Rev. Fr. J.B. Alvares on 10-4-1988. On 1-6-1988, the strayed building of the School at Kottara was inaugurated.

On 26-4-1990, the Golden Jubilee of ordination of Rev. Fr. J.B. Alvares (Vicar) was celebrated; and on the same day a foundation stone was laid for Derebail Hall. Rev. Fr. J.B. Alvares retired and in his place came Rev. Fr. Harold Menezes on 2-6-1990. A new Parish sports club was inaugurated on 9-9-1990. In order to ease the Pastoral work and with the permission of His Lordship, 5 wards were increased, thus making a total of 13 wards in all.

On 11-9-1991, Vicar Rev. Fr. Robert Pinto who built the new church breathed his last; and as per his intention he was laid to rest in Derebail Cemetery. Parishioners paid their last respects and a monument was built on his grave at the expense of the Parish.

On 16-08-1992, St. Vincent De Paul Society celebrated its Golden Jubilee.

On 20-05-1995, Vicar Rev. Fr. Harold Menezes was transferred and a new Vicar Rev. Dr. Mark Castelino replaced him. At the time of welcoming him by the Parishioners, it was hinted that a mega project of “Golden Jubilee Hall” was pending for completion despite the past 5 years. In reply the newly arrived Vicar said , “I have not come here to build the Hall, but have come to build a strong Christian Community, I will spare no efforts to do so”. In this direction he started renewal in strengthening liturgy and the Small Christian Community. To focus more on this work, he set up workshops on Parish level. He formed a central committee on 11-9-1995. With this it was easier for him to carry out Small Christian Community meetings in all wards in an organized manner. Likewise laity leadership was also increased. To induce interest in devotional singing and to make it practical, Rev. Fr. Mark Castelino formed a children’s choir under the leadership and training by Mr. Alwyn D’Cunha, a parishioner. Around 50 members’ choir group of children captured the minds and hearts of the Parishioners.

The Golden Jubilee Hall of Derebail :

For the ever increasing population of the Parish, although had enough space in the church to carry out liturgical programs with the help of the parishioners, there was no platform for social and cultural events, workshops and programs on large scale. Moreover for marriages etc. the parishioners had to seek such space in other Halls in the city from where it was difficult to find their way back home due to lack of conveyance. Hence the need for having a Hall in the parish was immensely felt. A committee of constructing a Hall was formed and collection in this respect began. Subsequently a plan was prepared, a place was set and on 26-04-1990 a foundation stone was laid. Eventually although after a period of 6 years there was not much progress could be seen.

There were many setbacks and bottle necks experienced; and the idea of a Hall remained a distant dream in the minds of people. Though there was a lot of pressure on the parish Governing council, but due to lack of a suitable leader who would carry on this task confidently, the committee of constructing the hall was dissolved on 24-3-1996 and the entire responsibility was dumped on the shoulders of the Vicar; and Parish Governing Council pledged their full support.

Although in the previous instance the Vicar had expressed that “ I have not come here to build the Hall, but to build a strong Christian Community", Rev. Dr. Mark Castelino accepted to shoulder the full responsibility of constructing the Hall. By then the finance collected so far in this respect including interest was a meager 2 lakhs rupees. But placing all his faith upon the Holy Redeemer and seeking full support and cooperation from Parishioners, he set his foot down and obtained the required License from the Government authority, and after getting the soil tested on 21-7-1996, the project of constructing parish hall commenced on 20-8-1996.

He appealed to parishioners as well as outsiders to donate whole heartedly towards this cause. The Gurkars and representatives of the words toiled hard to collect funds for this, but when the intended target did not meet, contractor Lancy Mascarenhas shelled out his own money and proceeded with the job; and with spirit and hard work of the Vicar, construction of Hall completed within 7 months.

On 30-03-1997 Easter Sunday, Vicar inaugurated the Hall and the same was blessed by His Lordship the Bishop Aloysius P DSouza. The joy & happiness experienced by the parishioners way back about 58 years ago when the church was inaugurated could be seen on every one’s face at this occasion too as consequently both inaugurals taking place on the same day i.e. Easter Sunday.

Rev. Dr. Mark Castelino was transferred to Kelarai Parish on 31-5-2002; and Rev. Fr. Godfrey Saldanha replaced him as Vicar on 30-5-2002. Having been Vicar Bejai Parish for 7 long years Rev. Fr. Godfrey Saldanha had a fair idea about Derebail Parish as well.

With his deep thinking and wisdom and also with the words of the Holy Bible, he captured the hearts and minds of the people of Derebail and also gave a new face-lift to the church and its surroundings.

He also headed the editorial Board of “Derebailchen Phul” a monthly magazine of the Parish and was instrumental for the total success. The centennial issue of magazine publication coincided with Rev. Fr. Godfrey Saldanha’s sixtieth Birthday, which was celebrated in a grand manner.

One more noticeable change brought to the church building was that the Iron rolling shutters in front and on the sides were replaced with wooden doors and frames which gave an authentic look of a place of worship. The plastering, electrical wiring and painting gave an entirely new look and in no way less whilst compared to other churches in the Diocese of Mangalore. The inauguration after the repairs and renewal of the church was done in the month of March 2008.

On 23-05-2009, Rev. Fr. Godfrey Saldanha was transferred and Rev Fr Peter D'Souza replaced him as Vicar. He carried out the renovation of the church building in 2013 before the celebration of the Platinum jubilee.

Platinum Jubilee celebration of the church

The Platinum Jubilee Celebration of the Most Holy Redeemer Church was held on 27th April 2014, the 2nd Sunday of Easter which is also the Divine Mercy Sunday. The celebration began with the Eucharistic Mass at 5 pm with the Main Celebrant and President, Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’souza, Bishop of Mangalore. Rev. Msgr Joel Pais, a Parishioner and presently the Vicar General of Baroda Diocese delivered the homily. More than 40 priests concelebrated in the Eucharistic celebration including parish priest Rev Fr Peter D'Souza.

The Platinum Jubilee Felicitation programme started at 6.30 pm presided over by Bishop Aloysius Paul D’souza. The Bishop honoured former parish priests Fr. Harold Menezes, Fr. Mark Castelino and Fr. Godfrey Saldanha and former assistant priests. The Bishop also launched the Jubilee Souvenir on this occasion.
The Bishop was honoured by Parish Priest Rev Fr. Peter D’souza as a mark of love and respect for his presence. On the occasion of the Jubilee, the parish priest presented Rupees one lakh to the Bishop towards the Same mission (Tanzania, Africa).
To show gratitude to the beloved Parish Priest Rev Fr. Peter D’souza for his immense contribution to the parish, the parishioners honored him at the hands of the Bishop.
The programme concluded with the community dinner.
Derebail Parish Sports Club celebrated Silver Jubilee with Thanksgiving mass followed by a stage programme on January 25, 2015.

After serving the parish for a period of six years, Fr. Peter D’souza was transferred as Director of the Pastoral Institute, Bajjodi and Fr Joseph Lobo replaced him as Vicar on 08-06-2015.

The inauguration of the Young Catholic Students (YCS) of Most Holy Redeemer Church was held on the 19th of July, 2015.

Having given a pompous welcome into the Parish in the month of June, little did the parishioners of Most Holy Redeemer Church know that they would have to bid adieu to Rev.Fr. Joseph Lobo so soon. God called Fr.Joseph Lobo home on the 6th of October, 2015. 
Rev. Fr. Vincent Victor Menezes arrived as Parochial Administrator on 25th of October, 2015 and rendered his service till May 2016.

On 03-06-2016, Rev Fr. Vincent Victor Menezes was transferred to Paldane parish and Rev Fr Austin Peter Peres took charge as parish priest.

The Renovated and Centrally Air Conditioned Golden Jubilee Hall of the church was blessed and inaugurated on 2 December, 2018 by Bishop of Mangalore Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha in the presence of  Rev. Dr. Mark Castelino - Vicar Forane, Mogarnad Deanery,  Rev. Fr. Austin Peter Peres - Parish Priest of Most Holy Redeemer Church and other guests.

On 16-05-2022, Fr Austin Peter Peres was transferred to Surathkal parish and Fr Joseph Martis took charge as the parish priest.

Parish Priests who have served in the parish : 

  • Rev Fr Lawrence D'Souza (Fr. Laws) (09-04-1939 - 08-12-1952)
  • Rev Fr Raphael D'Souza (08-12-1952 - 07-06-1953)
  • Rev Fr Salvadore Rodrigues (07-06-1953 - 16-05-1954)
  • Rev Fr Paul Farais (16-05-1954 - 15-11-1964)
  • Rev Fr Robert Pinto (15-11-1964 - 10-06-1973)
  • Rev Fr Aveline D'Silva (10-06-1973 - 27-04-1977)
  • Rev Fr Francis Serrao (27-04-1977 - 06-04-1983)
  • Rev Fr Peter T D'Souza (06-04-1983 - 30-05-1987)
  • Rev Fr J B Alvares (30-05-1987 - 02-06-1990)
  • Rev Fr Herold Menezes (02-06-1990 - 20-05-1995)
  • Rev Fr Mark Castelino (20-05-1995 - 30-05-2002)
  • Rev Fr Godfrey L A Saldanha (30-05-2002 - 23-05-2009)
  • Rev Fr Peter D'Souza (23-05-2009 - 09-06-2015)
  • Rev Fr Joseph Lobo (08-06-2015 - 06-10-2015)
  • Rev Fr Vincent V Menezes (25-10-2015 - 03-06-2016)
  • Rev Fr Austin Peter Peres (03-06-2016 - 16-05-2022)
  • Rev Fr Joseph Martis (from 16-05-2022 onwards )

Compiled by Catholic Time Staff with inputs from
Last updated in May 2022.

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