CT News

Fermai - Mangaluru, Oct 27 : ICYM unit of St. Antony Church, Fermai organized Inter ward cultural competition 'Sanskritik Saanz' (Cultural Night) on 20th October 2024 at 5.30pm in the church Hall. The program commenced with a prayer song led by the ICYM members. Parish priest Rev.Dr.Mark Castelino , Parish Council Vice President Clara Pinto, All council coordinator Prashanth Saldanha, ICYM president Vijay Fernandes along with the judges of the competition Sweedal Dsouza, Clanwin Fernandes were present on the dais.

The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp. Parish priest congratulated all the participants and appreciated ICYM youth for organizing this event and encouraged them to continue with their good work. Cultural competition commenced after the stage program. Total of 5 wards participated in this competition. Each ward was given different topics to perform on. Everyone presented a beautiful drama based on their topics.

At the end of the program ICYM Vice president Shannon Pinto announced the winners. Milton Dsouza delivered the vote of thanks. The program was hosted by Roshni Nazareth. The cultural competition ended with a baila dance.

The support and participation from all the parishioners helped in making the event a successful one.


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