CT News

Saverapura - Moodbidri, Sep 17 : On the occasion of the feast of the Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary (Monthi Feast), St Francis Xavier parish, Saverapura , Murkoth Palke celebrated "Novem Jevan with Parish Family" on September 15, 2024.

The parishioners attended holy mass in the morning with meaningful liturgy and eucharistic adoration, celebrated by Parish Priest Rev Fr Noel Mascarenhas.

In the afternoon , all gathered to prepare food for the evening, under the leadership of the parish pastoral council.

The evening get-together started at 7.00 pm under the leadership of the parish ICYM unit.

Parish Priest Rev Fr Noel Mascarenhas and native Sr. Philomena DSouza FMA graced the occasion with their presence. Parish Council Secretary Vincent Dsouza , All Commissions' Coordinator Severine Crasta , Ward Gurkars Baptist Cardoza and Irene Dcosta were also present on the dais.

The program started with prayer service. The Blessed 'Novem' was mixed with milk by the dignitaries on the dais and was served to the gathering.

Parishioners who have excelled in the fields of education, sports and ayurvedic medicine were honoured. Prizes of the various competitions conducted on the occasion of feast were distributed to the winners.

Games were conducted to entertain the gathering.

Parish Priest Fr Noel thanked the parishioners for their whole-hearted support in organising the celebration in such a grand manner.

ICYM president Lainish Dsouza welcomed the gathering and Hencita Dsouza proposed a vote of thanks. Rishel Lobo compered the programme.

The program concluded with the parish family having delicious "Novem Jevan" together. Altogether it turned out to be a memorable day for everyone.


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