By Lawrence Mathias

Bejai - Mangaluru, Sep 14 : Indian Catholic Youth Movement, Bejai unit, organised Novem Jevan on the occasion of The Nativity of Mother Mary, on September 11, 2024 in the SFX Hall at St. Francis Xavier Church, Bejai.

The program was presided by Rev Fr Johnson Sequeira, Principal - Lourdes Central School, Bejai and ICYM Assistant Director. Rev Fr J B Saldanha, Parish Priest and ICYM Director, Rev Fr. Norman Mathias, Assistant Parish Priest, Sr. Saritha and Sr Laila, St Angela Convent, Bejai, Mr. Godwin Pinto, 21 Commissions’ Coordinator, and Mrs. Preethi Gomes, Mr. Wilson Lobo, Mr. Rohan Sequeira - ICYM Animators were present.

The program began at 7.30 p.m. Sonali Rodrigues - ICYM President welcomed everyone and compered. Fr Norman Mathias led the gathering into prayer, Mrs Preethi Gomes led the Rosary, and Fr. Johnson Sequeira blessed the Novem and food. The Novem Jevan consisted of 10 food items, with the responsibilities distributed among the different ICYM members. The Jevan consisted of Alu dento, Moong, Kerumb, Sone, Bitter gourd, Ladies finger along with Idlis, Vorn , rice and milk.

16 ICYM members attended this program. Fr Johnson Sequeira gave the Vote of Thanks. The program ended at around 8.30 p.m.


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