Pics & Report : Meena Serrao Barboza

Bondel, March 11 : On Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 8.15 a.m., at the church mini-hall, took place the Catholic Sabha, Bondel unit office bearers' election for the year 2024–2025.

A prayer led by the Catholic Sabha Association members, a hymn honouring the Holy Spirit, and a passage from the Bible preceded the programme. The Vice President, Mr. Herold Pinto, welcomed everyone to the event. The Election Officer and Observer were introduced by Mr. Wilfred Alvares –President City Varado.

The City Varado Executive Committee assigned Mr. Victor Correa, the Election Officer from Derebail Parish, and Mr. Denis D'Souza, the Observer from Vamanjoor Parish, to supervise the election. Mr. Denis D'Souza read the election rules.

The vote of thanks was presented by Mrs. Veronica Pais. A hymn of thanksgiving concluded the election. All members were present for the election.

The candidates for all the posts were unanimously elected. The new office bearers are as follows :

President - Mr. Stephen D’Silva
Vice President - Mr Herold Pinto
Secretary - Mrs. Lynet Pinto
Joint Secretary - Mrs. Hilda D’Souza
Treasurer - Mr Manish Mascarenhas
Sthri Hitha Sanchalaki - Mrs. Victoria D’Cunha
Amcho Sandesh Representative - Mr. Melwin Crasta
Samuday Abivruddi Sanchalak - Mr. Richard Tauro
Rajakiya Sanchalak - Mr. Colin Miranda
Yuvajan Hitha Sanchalak - Mr. Jason Fernandes
Immediate Past President - Mr Henbert Pinto.

"Congratulations to the newly elected Catholic Sabha office bearers on your roles; may your commitment and faith guide you in fostering a strong and compassionate community. God’s Blessings to each of you as you carry out your responsibilities with devotion and love".

The new office bearers shall take over the charge from April 2024.


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