News: Josna DSouza
Photos: Donald Correa

Omzoor, Jan 16 : Small Christian Community Day and the Parish Day of Holy Family Church was commemorated with Holy Eucharist Mass celebrated by Rev Fr Maxim Rosario, Estate Manager of Mangalore Diocese at 4.30 pm on Sunday 14th January, 2024. The festal mass was concelebrated by Parish Priest Fr Alwyn Dcunha and Fr Manohar Dsouza, Superior, Monte Mariano Convent, Farangipet.

The Holy Bible was brought in procession to the altar. The priests, altar boys and girls, Arther Dsouza, Vice President of PPC; Dafny Lewis, Secretary of PPC; Elroy Saldanha Coordinator of all church commissions, 18 ward Gurkars, Eucharistic Ministers were part of the procession.

Followed by the Eucharistic Celebration an entertainment and cultural programme was organized.

YCS members invoked God’s blessings with a meaningful prayer dance. Fr Alwyn Dcunha, parish priest welcomed the gathering. A bird’s eye view of the entire year was precisely given by Jecintha Dsouza, Secretary of SCC Central Committee which highlighted the major milestones of the year. Roshni Lobo felicitated the couple who were celebrating their silver jubilee. Prize Distribution was held for the winners who have been part of competitions conducted by parish organizations.

Soon after the stage programme a spectacular, eye gazing cultural programme was staged by the parishioners. The parish wards, various organizations viz., Stree Sangathan, ICYM, YCS, Catholic Sabha showcased a true spirit of togetherness. The unbreaking gaze of the cultural events invited the parishioners to entirely have their focus on the stage and enjoy the extravaganza.

Dexter Saldanha, Coordinator of SCC proposed vote of thanks. Ravina and Delson compered the programme. To culminate a fellowship dinner was arranged by 18 wards. On the occasion of SCC Day, the parish council arranged the lunch boxes and made sure it reached all those who could not be a part of the celebration due to their old age or sickness. Thus, everybody was a part of this amazing eve with a sense of belongingness, togetherness and love.


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