Report and Pics by: Fr Anil Fernandes, CCC

Mangaluru, Dec 21 : Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, the Bishop of Mangalore, joined hands with journalists and members of the media in a heartening Christmas celebration at the Bishop's House in Mangaluru today, December 21, 2023.

During this gathering, Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha conveyed a touching Christmas message emphasizing the essence of peace, forgiveness, and love. He articulated, "Christ, born as the 'Prince of Peace,' highlights that true peace flourishes in an environment of forgiveness and love. Discrimination and injustice can never pave the way for peace. It is through love and forgiveness that we find remedies."

Highlighting the need to infuse hope into a world often devoid of it, the Bishop remarked, "Jesus calls upon us to nurture hope within the hearts of those who feel hopeless. Even by uplifting one person's spirit and extending help, we make a substantial difference. Let us aspire to be beacons of hope, elevating the spirits of individuals in a world longing for hope."

The event saw the presence of Msgr Rev. Fr Maxim Noronha, (Vicar General) Rev. Fr J. B Saldanha, Mr Roy Castelino (the PRO of Mangalore Diocese), Dr John DSilva (Diocesan Pastoral Parishad Secretary), Mr Elias Fernandes (Media representative), Rev. Fr Anil Ivan Fernandes (Director, Canara Communication Centre), Fr Rupesh Madtha (editor of Raknno weekly), Rev. Fr Trishan Dsouza (Bishop's Secretary), Rev. Fr Ronald Dsouza (Financial Administrator), and Mr Alwyn Dsouza (President, Catholic Sabha Mangalore) among the gathering of journalists and media representatives.

Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha is set to lead the Christmas Eve mass at Our Lady of Holy Rosary Cathedral, Rosario, Mangaluru on Sunday, December 24, 2023, starting at 7:00 p.m.

The full text of Bishop’s Message in English : 

Christmas Message 2023: Instill Hope in a Hopeless World

The daily news tells us that hatred, caste based, religion based discrimination and violence are reigning in our world. Wars, destruction, pain, death and misery are hitting headlines. As Pope Francis calls it, we are having the “Piecemeal World War III”. The desperation and suicides are on the increase. Everything seems to be pointing to a hopeless world.Only money and hunger for power seems to be the only concern. Indifference is rampant everywhere. It is a world of selfies, each one is concentrating on oneself. A true remedy and liberation is not visible.

In this context we celebrate Christmas, the feast of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is the “Feast of God-with-us.” At his birth the angel announced to the shepherds: “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord” (Lk 2: 10-11). Those shepherds were living in a society oppressed by the Roman army. Death and darkness was everywhere.

The shepherds expected good news of freedom from oppression. But with his birth, now the focus has changed. It is not any more on the Roman emperor and his kingdom, but on one who will bring down the mighty from their thrones and raise up the lowly. Jesus will do it not by weapons but by winning the hearts of enemies through love and forgiveness, prayer and penance. He uses powerful spiritual weapons. He will live by what he teaches. He will walk the talk.

Jesus teaches us that violence and oppression, hatred, injustice and discrimination cannot rule the world. Even if one wins power for some time by hook or crook, after his death, he will be conveniently forgotten or not loved. Only the method of winning over the enemy by loving him is eternal. Jesus’ birth is a matter of great joy because he instills hope of new life. He accompanies us even today in all difficulties, to live life meaningfully.

In our painful context, Christ is born as the “Prince of Peace”. Let us be sure, no peace is possible without forgiveness and love. No peace is possible in discrimination and injustice. Only love and forgiveness is the remedy. Anyone who acts on these latter ones are on the side of God. In them joy dawns from within. Jesus invites us to instill hope in the hopeless people. If we instill hope in any one person and help him or her, then we have done much. Let us be persons who lift the spirit of the people higher and higher. Let us fill hope in a hopeless world. Happy Christmas and Joy-filled New Year 2024.

Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha

Bishop of Manglaore

The full text of Bishop’s Message in Kannada :  


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