News : Br. Malvino Alfonso OCD ,
Pics : Naizil Rodrigues

Karwar, May 11, 2024 : A Carmelite Deacon Siltan Noronha OCD was ordained as a priest by Bishop Duming Dias, Bishop of the Diocese of Karwar during the Eucharistic celebrations at St. Anthony’s Church, Mundkani, Honavar on May 10. in the Diocese of Karwar. Fr. Siltan Noronha is the fourth Carmelite Priest from the Diocese of Karwar.

Reflecting on the significance of priesthood, Bishop Dumingo Dias emphasized, "A Priest is one who is sent by God to proclaim the Gospel, sanctify his people, and continue the mission of Mercy, being a man of God and of the Church."

He was delivering a homily at the Eucharistic celebrations. Bishop Duming Dias presided over the Eucharistic celebration alongside Fr. Silvestre D’Souza OCD, the Provincial of Karnataka-Goa Province of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, and Fr. Melvin D’Cunha OCD, the Superior of St. Joseph Monastery, Mangalore. Councilors -Fr. Archibald Gonsalves, OCD, Fr. Alphonse Britto OCD, Fr. Prakash D’Cunha OCD, Fr. Joaquim Rodrigues OCD and 60 diocesan and religious priests as concelebrants.

Reflecting on the essence of priesthood, Bishop Dias conveyed that a priest is called, anointed, and commissioned by God for a divine purpose. "Just as God sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, for our redemption, Jesus entrusts this servant to perpetuate His mission through the ministry of priesthood," expressed Bishop Dias.

Emphasizing the priest's role as a proclaimer of the Gospel, Bishop Dias stressed that the primary task of priests is to proclaim the Gospel. He explained that since the foundation of the Christian life is faith, which is the fruit of the Word of God, proclaiming the Gospel holds supreme importance.

Bishop Dias also underscored the priest's function as a steward of God's mysteries, explaining his role in administering the seven sacraments.

Asserting that the admirable example set by parents serves as a catalyst for vocations to priesthood and religious life within families, the Prelate extended gratitude and congratulations to the parents of Fr. Siltan Noronha for offering their son to serve the church. He invoked blessings upon them for their dedication, expressing, "May God abundantly bless them for their sacrifice," said the Bishop. He felicitated the newly ordained on behalf of the diocese.

The Bishop urged the assembled faithful to uphold priests with prayers, love, and respect.

Bishop Duming Dias was felicitated by the Fr. Silvestre D’souza, OCD, Provincial, Fr. Archibald Gonsalves OCD, and Fr. Melvyn D’Cunha, OCD, on behalf of the Carmelites and by Fr. Anthony Lopes, Parish Priest, along with the Parish representatives also felicitated Bishop.

Addressing the gathering, Fr. Silvestre expressed gratitude to the Bishop for honoring his invitation and recalled about the longstanding relationship between the Diocese of Karwar and the Carmelites. He extended congratulations and heartfelt appreciation to the parents of Fr. Siltan.

Before the mass, Bishop inaugurated and blessed the entrance Arch of St. Anthony’s Church, Mundkani.

Fr. Barnabas Monis OCD was the liturgical commentator while Fr. Justin D’Souza of Diocese of Karwar animated the Liturgy. Cajetan Dias along with Fr. Anthony Lopes led the liturgical singing. A Small Felicitation function was held after the mass, where Fr. Juze Souz OCD compered it.

Fr.Siltan Noronha, the second child of Philip and Rozin Noronha, has two sisters and a brother. Following his completion of Xth Std tenth grade at Arogyamata High School, he joined the Order of Discalced Carmelite by participating in the initiation programme in Mapusa in 2011. He underwent his Postulancy programme at the Carmelite Monastery in Margao, Goa, followed by his novitiate in Kushalnagar and philosophy studies at Pushpashrama College of Philosophy in Mysore. Siltan obtained a Bachelor of Theology degree from St. Joseph Interdiocesan Seminary in Mangalore. He gained pastoral and community experience at St. Michael’s Church in Belur and served in diaconate ministry at the Novitiate house of the province.

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