By Sr. Molly Fernandes sfn

Goa, June 28, 2023 : A devotion close at heart from childhood and prayer we loved to prayer was that of Mother of Perpetual Succour. Our Mother of Perpetual Succour (Latin: Nostra Mater de Perpetuo Succursu) (colloquially known as Our Lady of Perpetual Succour/Help) is a Roman Catholic title of the Blessed Virgin Mary associated with a fifteenth—century Byzantine icon and a reputed Marian apparition. The Madonna and Child along with two angels carrying the Holy Instruments of the Passion of Jesus Christ. The image has been enshrined in the Church of San Matteo in Via Merulana since 27 March 1499, and is today permanently enshrined in the Church of Saint Alphonse of Liguori, where the official Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help text is prayed weekly.

Pope Pius IX granted a pontifical decree of canonical coronation along with its official formalized title Nostra Mater de Perpetuo Succursu on 5 May 1866. The Latin Patriarch of Constantinople, Cardinal Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei, executed the rite of coronation on 23 June 1867.

"For me, I was blessed to do my schooling under the Patronage of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, a renowned school in the South of Goa, in the scenic village of Navelim. 27th of June 2023, brought back memories as I participated in Eucharistic celebration on the 78th year of the school's inception", says Sr. Molly.

The theme: Mary in Selfless Service was beautifully explained in the introduction and it was inspiring to see the Standard Xth student display of the modern media platforms and other vices that drain the youth of today and how they fall prey to it in the penitential rite.

The Eucharist was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Steve Rodrigues Cap, the Provincial of the Capuchin and concelebrated by 3 other priests. In his homily Fr. Steve beautifully brought out how Mary has been the epitome of Selfless Service explained with varied examples saying:
The Rain don't drink for itself; The trees give fruits for others; The rivers Flow in different directions... for others, to others and so is the reading and Life of Mary for others -Mary in selfless service.
He continued, after Jesus, she is the model of selfless service to others. Just as Jesus came to serve and not be served. As like in today’s Gospel -Mary’s Visit to her cousin Elizabeth, she did not give excuses given her state of life but we make excuses.
Further Fr. Rodrigues enlightened saying, excuses seem reasonable yet we need to go beyond. What can I do for others is the existential question! Like at the wedding at Cana, Mary’s sensitivity and her request in spite of Jesus’ hesitancy to reach out.
Quoting great personalities like Mother Teresa, he said: “Unless Life is lived for Others it is not Worth While”.
Pope Francis - “You want to see face of Jesus...go to the periphery and see his face in them” and
Mahatma Gandhi - “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourselves in service of others”, influenced the gathering.

The Sisters here too, said Rodrigues, give service to God in the people they Serve in spite of the struggles. The Teachers serve and do service with a smile on their faces under the guidance of Mother of Perpetual Succour Who is the Our Lady of Prompt Succour. Yes, who is ever present in all situations! And invited to offer roses by praying the rosary because each Hail Mary is like a rose we offer to her and that the rosary becomes a garland of roses offered to her in prayer and so to rededicate, to recommit them to selfless service like Mary as she continues to guide.

The students presented a thanksgiving dance and sang a song (lyrics composed by teacher Sheila Fernandes and music by Sir Seby Fernandes) . The melodious singing by the school children elevated our hearts to pray joyfully trained by teachers Presscy and Raiza. The school magazine “The Pulse of PSC” was also released. The detailed vote of thanks was accorded by teacher Andrea Torcato Da Costa.

The feast was an opportunity to meet all the Past Perpetualites, and teachers which strengthened our bonds and it was reminiscing. A well organised event - Kudos to the entire School - Management, staff members and students. Certainly, real selfless service in action under the guidance of energetic Headmistress Sr. Libia Fernandes sfn.

The Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour is a much loved feast by the faithful from different walks of life and venerated throughout the year weekly on Wednesday, while the feast is being celebrated on 27th June.

Prior to the feast , The nine days preparation with the different virtues were reflected on the life of Mother Mary.

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