Media Release

Mangaluru, July 27 : Celebrating the 25th Kargil Vijay Diwas on 26th July 2024, an occasion that annually honours the pride and valour of soldiers involved in Operation Vijay, Ladyhill English Higher Primary School solemnly paid tribute to the courageous Indian soldiers who defended the nation's sovereignty during the Kargil War of 1999.

The commemorative program was initiated by Class 2A, beginning with the ceremonial lighting of candle by the esteemed Chief Guest and Principal, Sr. Jenifer Moras AC, along with Vice Principal Sr. Ivy Moras AC. A moment of silence was observed in tribute to the fallen heroes, followed by a heartfelt prayer service invoking peace and strength for the nation.

The program continued with an enthusiastic welcome dance, extending a warm greeting to all attendees. Students then shared insights about the significance of the day. Following this, a patriotic song and dance performance portrayed themes from the Kargil War.

The Chief Guest and Principal, Sr. Jenifer Moras AC, delivered an inspirational address, highlighting the bravery and dedication demonstrated in the Kargil War, as well as the soldiers' pivotal role in defending our nation's sovereignty. She urged students to appreciate the valour and steadfastness of our armed forces and emphasised the importance of unity and peace in our nation.

The program concluded with a solemn moment where all attendees stood to salute the martyrs who sacrificed their lives during the Kargil War, paying homage also to the mothers who nurtured these brave souls, followed by the students chanting "Jai Hind" as a mark of respect and solidarity.

This commemoration not only honoured the sacrifices of our war heroes but also instilled a profound sense of patriotism and admiration for the armed forces among the students and staff of Ladyhill English Higher Primary School.


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