Media Release

Mangaluru, July 25, 2024 : The celebration of Van Mahotsava at LadyHill English Higher Primary School was a vibrant and educational event dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and sustainability. The event was graced by the presence of Mrs Renilda Mascarenhas, whose lifelong dedication to education and nature conservation added a special significance to the occasion.

The students of Class 7A made a significant contribution to the Van Mahotsava celebration by presenting a meaningful program that highlighted the importance of environmental conservation.

The program began by symbolic planting of the sapling by the chief guest Mrs Renilda Mascarenhas, Principal Sr Jennifer Moras AC and Vice Principal Sr Ivy Moras AC. This gesture emphasized the school’s commitment to environmental stewardship and served as an inspiration for the entire school community to engage in sustainable practices.

The program continued with a serene and thoughtful prayer service led by the students ,which set a reflective tone for the event and reminded everyone of the spiritual connection humans have with nature. Following the prayer service, the students performed a vibrant welcome dance that captured the audience's attention and set an energetic mood for the rest of the program. The students then presented a skit focusing on the theme of tree conservation. The skit depicted the consequences of deforestation and highlighted the importance of preserving forests for future generations.

The program included a series of enthusiastic dances, inspiring speeches and motivating songs that conveyed the message of "Go Green."These items were not only visually captivating but also served as a powerful call to action for the school community to embrace eco-friendly habits.

The chief guest, Mrs. Renilda Mascarenhas, delivered a thought-provoking message that resonated deeply with the students and the entire school community. She emphasized the vital role students play in environmental conservation and how their small actions can lead to significant positive changes and urged students to lead by example in their communities. Her speech centered around the theme "Think Green, Love Green, Go Green," which motivated students to become active participants in protecting the planet.

Later Principal Sr Jennifer Moras AC addressed the students with an engaging and motivational speech, emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility in caring for the environment. She highlighted the role of each student in contributing to a greener planet and announced a task to the students titled "Each One, Plant One."

In conclusion the Van Mahotsava celebration was a memorable and successful initiative that not only educated but also inspired the school community. It highlighted the importance of nurturing our environment and reinforced the message that every individual can contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.


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