Media Release

Mangaluru, July 23, 2024 : St Agnes High School, Bendore celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel with great reverence and enthusiasm.  The programme was hosted by the students of class 10 A in the school hall. The stage was beautifully decorated with flowers and the picture of our Lady of Mount Carmel. The celebration began with a spiritually enriching prayer service including scripture reading, hymns, and prayers of the faithful. The students offered petition for the world, sisters of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation, and all the staff and the students of the institution. Shwetha welcomed the audience which was followed by a contemporary welcome dance. The dancers captivated the attention of students and staff with their graceful movements and expressions. The students performed a skit on Simon Stock's unwavering devotion to our Lady of Mount Carmel, the skit emphasized the promise of protection and grace associated with wearing the scapular with devotion. A short video on the significance of the solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel was played, which helped the students to understand the prominence of the feast. The troupe of dancers entertained the audience with a well choreographed mashup dance. Their graceful movements and synchronization met with thunderous applause by the students.

Miraculous power of the brown scapular was enacted meaningfully through a skit 'Keluva Kivigalu'. It was about the two orphans who entrusted themselves totally to the protection of Lady of Mount Carmel. It's a tradition and belief that those who wear the scapular are bestowed with joy and peace.

The most entertaining part of the program was the humorous act performed by the boys of class 10 A. It tickled the Funny-bones of the audience. The hilarious dialogues left the audience in splits. The boys not only showcased their acting talent, but also displayed understanding of humour and good timings. The Headmistress Sister Gloria A.C began her address by singing a melodious hymn dedicated to mother, 'Mary, my mother". She congratulated the students of class 10 A for presenting the entire programme meaningfully and appreciated the efforts and guidance of the class teacher, Mrs Wilma Veigas. Sr Gloria spoke about the faith, protection Mother Mary gives to her children. She urged the students to live a pious life. The programme concluded with the vote of thanks rendered by Bassamma. Ashok and Prema adeptly anchored the entire programme.


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