Report : Mrs. Avita Menezes

Vamanjoor, July 8 : The Investiture Ceremony for the academic session 2024-2025 held at St. Raymond's PU College, Vamanjoor on 5th July 2024, was a significant event marking the official induction of the newly elected Student Council members into their respective roles. The ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the college consigns in the newly selected office bearers. It was conducted with great enthusiasm, decorum, pomp and dignity showcasing the spirit of leadership and responsibility among the student body. The ceremony commenced with the lighting of the lamp.

Dr. Sr. Mariola BS, Deputy Secretary for Bethany Education Society and the Correspondent of the College presided over the event. In her presidential address she said, some are born leaders and some are created in the Journey of Life. A true Leader must be self-responsible and earn appreciation through hard work and efforts. Advocate Roshan Melwyn Lobo, an Alumnus of the College and Adjunct faculty of St. Josephs Law College, Bengaluru, was the Chief Guest and was felicitated by the college during the event. He shared his own experience in the college and inspired the students. He stressed on the four C’s (Competence, Conscience, Compassion and Commitment) a leader should possess. He was felicitated by the P U College body for his great success and being elected as the Secretary General of the International Young Catholic Students (YCS). Mr. Prathim Kumar K S, PET, Swastika National Business School emphasized the importance of NSS and Rangers-Rovers in shaping future leaders through leadership, integrity, and service. He was the Guest of Honor.

College Magazine “Blossom” was released by the president during the event. The elected members of the Student Council, NSS Unit and Rangers-Rovers Unit took an oath administered by the Principal, Sr. Anita Lydia BS, pledging to uphold the values of the institution and serve their fellow students with dedication, integrity, faith and righteousness. Each member of the Student Council received their respective badges and sashes from the President Dr. Sr. Mariola BS, symbolizing their official authority and responsibility. The newly selected CPL Ms. Rakshitha expressed her gratitude on behalf of the entire team and outlined their vision and goals for the upcoming term. The ceremony was interspersed with cultural performances by students, showcasing their talents and adding a vibrant touch to the event.

Overall, the event was a resounding success, and a memorable occasion that celebrated the democratic spirit of the institution and the potential of its student leaders. It provided a platform for students to assume leadership roles and fostered a sense of responsibility and commitment among them towards their peers and the college community at large.


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