Media Release

Mangaluru, June 4 : The Kindergarten teachers of the Apostolic Carmel schools from Mangaluru and Udupi attended a Teacher Enrichment Programme at Mount Carmel Central School, Mangaluru on June 1st 2024.

The programme commenced invoking God’s blessings. The resource person Ma'am Melissa Monteiro, a Speech and Language Pathologist was welcomed and introduced by teacher Joyce. Ma'am Melissa touched on the areas of Speech, Language and Communication at the early stage of a child. She also gave her valuable insights on inclusive education and how as educators one can cater to the different learning styles of a child. Her session was reinforced by presentation and activities which enthused the educators. While teacher Shyla delivered the vote of thanks, Sr Asha Preema presented a memento to the guest speaker as a token of appreciation and Sr Carissima presented a memento to Sir Preetham from Ratna Sagar Publication.

After the session, teacher Sumana briefed the guest teachers on the assessment and holistic progress card introduced by CBSE under NEP-NCF. The orientation ended truly on an enriching experience.


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