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The Gurpur Parish is situated at a distance of 19 K.M. from Mangalore on Mangalore- Moodbidri road. The parish is locally known as Kowdur. The Church land structure is located at a village called ‘Kandavar’. Apart from Kowdur, Mulur, Badaga, Ulipadi, Paduperar, Mooduperar, Kolambe, Gurpur, Addur villages are covered under the area of Gurpur Parish. To describe the parish geographically, the area of the parish is covered with a number of fields and hills. To the south of the parish flows the Gurpur River.

Before the existence of the Gurpur parish, the families living in this locality belonged to Fezar parish. After Ferar became  a parish in 1912, the people from Gurpur went to Ferar Church for the Eucharistic celebration and also for the spiritual benefits. The number of people was doubling every year and there was an urgent need for new parishes to take care of such rapid growth in population.

On 7th October 1915, Parish Priest of Ferar Rev. Fr. Reginald Pinto laid a Foundation for a Chapel. The building of the Chapel was said to be completed by Fr. Joseph M. Menezes and blessed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Paul Ferini S.J. on October 29, 1918. In the Diocese of Mangalore, only this Parish was dedicated to our ‘Lady of Pompei’. A holy picture of the image of a Lady of Pompei was brought from a city called ‘Pompei’ in Italy, and is being honoured in this Parish. Because of the number of miracles and goodness of Our Lady of Pompei, the barren Kowdur has blossomed like a beautiful garden in God’s vineyard.

Rev. Fr. Antony A. Colaco (1921-22) : Gurpur became an independent parish on May 8, 1921. Fr Anthony A. Colaco was appointed as the first parish priest of the newly constituted parish of our ‘Lady of Pompei’. During his time he opened a Primary school for the poor and the needed people of the Parish in 1922.

Rev.Fr. F.X. Nazreth (1922-30) : He was a convincing preacher of God’s word. During his time he built a church Façade using Goan design. In 1925 the church compound wall was built and in 1929 a church bell was placed on the façade, which was brought from Goa.

Rev.Fr. Raphel Pinto (1930-33) : Rev.Fr. Nazreth was succeeded by Rev.Fr. Raphel pinto. In 1931 he constructed a parochial house. In 1933 Rev.Fr. Antony F.Covelho and Rev.Fr. Denis Mathias served the Church.

Rev.Fr. Aveline Rebello (1933-40) : Fr Aveline Rebello instituted a wooden artistic altar of the Blessed Mother which was donated by Hospet Church carved and designed in the Goan style, was erected in the center of the church in October 1933. On April 2, 1934 he erected a huge cross on the hill in remembrance of the 150 years of Tipu’s captivity of the Christians. This cross is said to be visible from a long distance even today, it reflects the Christian symbol. In 1937 a portico was added to the Parish building.

Rev.Fr. A.G. Nazreth (1940-48) : He was like the leaven in the bread or hidden catalyst, whose presence inspired many persons to devote their lives to the Lord. He constructed the road leading to the Church.

Rev.Fr. John Castelino (1948-55) : With deep faith in God and filial trust in our Blessed Mother, he plunged into the work of creating a Parish. He repaired the structure of the Church.

Rev.Fr. John .S. Titus Rodrigues (1955-71) : He was a man of vision and deeply rooted in prayer. His dedicated services were remarkable. He constructed a new building for the Primary School, renovated the Façade for the Church bell and built a Grotto of “Lady of Lourdes’. He also did the electrification of church and presbytery.

He invited ‘The sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore’ to serve the parish. As he was a lover of ‘karnatic music’ he has sown the seed of music in the people of the parish. He trained the children to take part in the competitions held in the Diocesan level for many years and secured the first place. He took keen interest in promoting vocations for Religious and priesthood.

Rev.Fr. Bernerd D’Souza (1971-72) : During the B.Ed. study, for a year he was appointed as a parish priest. With his democratic personality and inspiring sermons he became a loving priest to the prisoners. Even as a young priest, he was sought out as a preacher and homilist on very important occasions.

Rev.Fr. Gratian L. D’Souza (1972-88) : He was simple, God-fearing, disciplined and selfless in his service. He developed the infrastructure of the Church and found the need for the youngsters to grow and worked for their all-round development. He started ‘Pompei youngsters club’. He provided benches, a new altar and a lectern to the church. He also added a portion of the building to the school.

Rev.Fr. Stanly Pereira (1983-91) : He was a God fearing priest. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary was another special characteristic of Father Pereira. He was deeply devoted to making Mary known and loved. The Marian year 1954 was a special year for him. He wanted to do something to make this year known and loved, particularly by his own parishioners. During this year at the ward level, he conducted processions and conducted ward meetings. He sank a huge well to solve the water problem.  

Rev.Fr. Leo Veigas (1991-98) : An active parish priest was transferred from the Bidar Mission station to this parish. The depth of his interior life was reflected in his attitude at Prayer and various activities of the Parish. He worked to destroy the alcoholism in the families through his counseling and guidance. He created an atmosphere of spiritual awareness through retreats and B.C.C. meetings. He worked for the downtrodden , sick and victims of natural disasters.

Under his able and dynamic leadership, in remembrance of the Platinum Jubilee of the parish, an attractive and spacious new church building was built in 1998. He also constructed a new presbytery and renovated the school building.

Rev. Fr. Cyprian Pinto (1998 -2005) : As an energetic and active young priest, Fr. Cyprian Pinto won the hearts of the children, young and the old. His achievements are marvelous to the Parish. As a shepherd of the flock entrusted to him, his concern for the spiritual welfare led to plan regular retreat, sermons and spiritual guidance, without considering the price he had to pay in terms of time and energy. He is known for his meaningful sermons and is commonly known as ‘Retreat preacher’. He preached more than 100 retreats to different parishes.

To uplift the poor and the marginalized people he took keen interest in building the infrastructure of the Hr. Pry. School through computer education and midday meals. The credit goes for building the ‘Pompei Sabha Bhavana’ in 2001 and the church ‘Dwara’.

Later, following Parish Priests served the Parish :

Rev Fr Paul Rego (2005 - 2013)
Rev Fr Gregory Serao (2013 - 2015)
Rev Fr Paul Pinto (2015 - 2016)
Rev Fr Antony D. Lobo (2016 - 2022)

Centenary Memorial Mini Hall was inauguration

During the tenure of Fr Antony Lobo, Centenary Memorial Mini Hall was inaugurated on Sunday, 19th January 2020. Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Antony Lobo accompanied by parishioner Rev. Dr. Pius Fidelis Pinto, Parish Pastoral Parishad Vice President Richard Fernandes and Secretary Jerald Lobo inaugurated the mini hall and parish priest blessed the same.

Thereafter, during the short stage programme, Secretary Jerald Lobo thanked and appreciated the parishioners who had helped for the construction work of this mini hall and specially Sri. Lancy D’ Cunha & fly. in particular for their great contribution amounting to almost Rs. 10 Lakhs. He was felicitated by Fr. Antony Lobo.

Renovated Community Hall inauguration

Renovated community hall, "Pompei Sabha Bhavana" was inaugurated by Parish Priest Fr. Antony Lobo and Fr. Pius Pinto in the presence of parishioners on March 30, 2021.

Centenary celebration

November 7, 2021 was a very special and joyous day for all Parishioners of Our Lady of Pompei which celebrated its 100 years of existence (1921 - 2021).

On Sunday, 7th November, all the parishioners took part in the grand thanksgiving mass celebrated by main celebrant Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop, Diocese of Mangalore along with co-celebrants Most. Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul Dsouza, Bishop Emeritus, Diocese of Mangalore; Most Rev. Dr. Lawrence Mukkuzhy , Bishop, Diocese of Belthangady; Rev. Dr. Pius James Dsouza OCD, Definitor General, Order of Discalced Carmelites, Rome; Rev.Fr. Marcel Saldanha , Vicar Forane , Pezar Deanery along with Fr. Anthony Lobo - Parish priest and all the guest priests. More than 2000 parishioners along with guests, religious sisters were present during the thanksgiving mass.

After the thanksgiving mass, a grand felicitation programme was arranged at the church ground. The chief guest of the day Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha inaugurated the programme by planting a coconut tree and watering it. Fr. Anthony Lobo , Parish priest welcomed all the gathering. Praveen Lobo, secretary of the Parish Pastoral Council presented the centenary report. A History book was released by Bishop Lawrence Mukkuzhy.

Dr. Y Bharath Shetty, Hon. MLA, Mangalore North Constituency; Ex-MLA Shri J. R. Lobo, Hon. Muhammed Shareef Arshadi and Dr. M Mohan Alva were felicitated by all three Bishops. Shri Ivan Dsouza, Hon. Ex-MLC, Govt of Karnataka and Shri Moideen Bava, Hon. Ex-MLA, Mangalore North Constituency were present.

A lunch was served to more than 5500 people, prepared by the Parishioners.

Fr. Rudolf Ravi D'Sa is serving the parish as parish priest from 16th May 2022 onwards.

Compiled by Catholic Time Staff.
Last updated in Dec 2022.

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