CT News

Permannur - Mangaluru, June 25 : The Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) unit of St Sebastian Church, Permannur celebrated Vanamahotsava - 2024, along with the Catholic Sabha and the Environment Commission, on June 23, 2024 in the church premises after the 7:30 a.m. mass. A small inauguration program was organized. ICYM President Rishal D'Souza welcomed the gathering. Parish priest, V. Rev. Fr. Cyprian Pinto, presided over the program. In his presidential speech, he highlighted the importance of growing plants and trees around us and appreciated the associations for taking the initiative. Central Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh® President, Mr. Alwyn D'Souza, was the chief guest of the program. In his speech, he shed light on how to take care of saplings and reminded everyone of our duty to protect our planet for future generations.

St. Sebastian Parish Pastoral Council vice president Mr. Arun D'Souza, and Secretary Mrs. Jyothi D'Souza, Mangalore South Deanery Catholic Sabha President Mr. Dolphy D'Souza (also a coordinator of 21 Commissions), Bethel Convent Superior Sr Joseph Mary, ICYM President Ms Rishal D'Souza, Secretary Ms Nishitha Lobo & Animator Mr. Rayan D'Souza, Catholic Sabha Permannur Unit President Mr Prashanth D'Souza & Secretary Mrs Delphine Pais, Environment Commission Coordinator Mr. Loyd D'Souza, were the other guests on the dais.

The program was inaugurated by handing over saplings to the association members. ICYM President Rishal D'Souza compered the program.

After the program, all members of ICYM planted saplings in the ICYM members' houses as well as in the wards of the church. Group photos were taken after planting the saplings.


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