Prior to 1930, Nirkan was part of once extensive Most Holy Saviour, Agrar parish. On May 25 - 1930, Nirkan was declared as an independent parish dedicated to St. Thomas the Apostle.

Parish Priests who have served in the parish :

  • Fr Norbert D'Souza (1965 - 1973)
  • Fr Godfrey Saldanha (1973 - 1981)
  • Fr Stany Goveas (1982 - 1983)
  • Fr Lancy Mathias
  • Fr James D'Souza (Sr) (1990 - 1997)
  • Fr Archibald S Albuquerque (1997 - 2004)
  • Fr Edwin Vincent Correa (2008 - 2012)
  • Fr Alban D'Souza (Sr) (2012 - 2019)
  • Fr Leo William Lobo (from 2019 onwards)

(Complete list will be updated soon)

Compiled by Catholic Time Staff.
Last updated in Dec 2019.

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