Media Release

Mangaluru, July 14, 2024 : The Eleventh Graduation Day of St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru, was held on 13 July 2024 at 11:00 AM in the Mother Mary Aloysia Centenary Auditorium. This day was an outcome of an academic accomplishment of the students who graduated in the year 2022-2023.

Mrs. Sheryl Preethika, Department of MBA was the compere of the programme. The event commenced with Nadageethe by Dr.Shailaja K, HOD - Faculty of Kannada. Sr. Dr.Vinora A.C., PG Co-ordinator, welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guest Prof. Dr. M.S. Moodithaya, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, NITTE (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru.

Sr. Dr.M Venissa A.C., Principal of the College administered the oath to the fresh graduates. Sr. Dr. Maria Roopa A.C., Joint Secretary of St. Agnes Institutions, Sr M. Sudeepa A.C., Secretary A.C. Educational Society, Sr. Carmel Rita A.C., Administrator graced this occasion with their presence. It was attended by the Deans of all streams, Members of various Board of Studies, Board of Examiners, Members of PTA of the College, the members of Governing Body and Academic Council of the College under Autonomy.

The Convocation message was delivered by Prof. Dr. M.S. Moodithaya, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, NITTE (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru. Dr. M.S. Moodithaya, congratulated all the graduates on their achievement for gaining fulfilment on this day. In his Graduation Day Address, he said that this day is marked as a significant moment for their hard work and perseverance as they step out of the portals of their Alma Mater into this enormous world, thereby making an immense contribution to the economy of this country.

He emphasized on the fact that the graduates should be privileged to be educated in the century old prestigious institution like St Agnes College for the quality education provided to various generations. He advised the students to believe in the Kaizen concept, enhance and understand the importance of soft skills and ensure to follow their competency, potential and personality. He urged them to be an ability and credibility of being an asset to the nation, acquire an attitude for gratitude that needs to be developed in an individual’s life. He advised them to focus on three C’s, condition they live in, competency in what they do and most importantly the character throughout their journey of life.

Sr. Maria Shamita A.C., Provincial Superior, Apostolic Carmel, Karnataka Province presided over the function and in her presidential address, congratulated the graduates on their academic triumph and advised them to rejoice in their success. She emphasised on taking up new possibilities and being a meaningful contribution to the society enhancing to the wealth of knowledge and experience. She expressed that the world needed their unique voice, innovative spirit and compassionate outlook and advised to follow three C’s for their personal life i.e. courage, creativity and compassion.

Dr. Nancy H Vaz, Registrar and Controller of Examinations presented 520 graduates of which 89 were postgraduates and 431 were undergraduates, to Sr Maria Shamita A. C., the Provincial Superior, Apostolic Carmel, Karnataka Province to accept them for the Degree.

Mrs. Shubharekha, Dean of Administration announced the names of the 17 rank holders and they were felicitated with Rank Certificates and Cash Prizes. Dr. Kavyashree K B, Department of PG studies Psychology, Dr.Nagesh, Dean - Faculty of Arts, Dr Ita Dsouza, the IQAC Co-ordinator, Mrs. Nimitha K, Dean - Faculty of Commerce and Management announced the names of the graduates from their respective faculties.

Dr V. Premanand, HOD, of MSc. in Psychology, proposed the vote of thanks and the event was concluded by National Anthem.


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