CT News

Permude, Dec 30 : 

Christmas Eve Celebration :

On the auspicious occasion of Christmas eve, Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) unit of St. John the Baptist Church, Permude celebrated Christmas with the parishioners. On 24th December 2023 at Church Ground after the eve mass, they conducted a small program for people’s entertainment purpose.

ICYM members conducted the Auction for Cake, Lucky Chair and Housie Housie Game. A huge crowd took part in the auction and housie housie game. Santa Clause entertained the gathering. All the parishioners were involved in it and everyone enjoyed the evening.

‘Nathalanso Sambhram 2023 ’

On the occasion of Christmas, ICYM Permude unit organised ‘Nathalanso Sambhram 2023 ’ on 25th December 2023, at 6.30 PM in St John Baptist Church Ground Permude. Rev Fr. Ronald Pinto Director of ICYM Permude Unit , Parish President Henry D’cunha , Parish Secretary Dolphy Pinto ,ICYM Animator Roshan Rodrigues , ICYM President Nithin D’cunha and ICYM Secretary Sony Dsouza were the Dignitaries on the dais .

The programme began by invoking God’s blessings through a prayer song led by ICYM Members and Welcome dance by children of the parish. Mr. Nithin D’cunha Welcomed the gathering. Fr Ronald Pinto in his inaugural Speech wished everyone gathered the blessings of Christmas and highlighted the importance of Christmas. He said that Christmas brings Joy and Peace. The MC for the formal program was Jevita Fernandes.

Various prizes for different events conducted on the occasion of Christmas were then distributed. After the formal stage programme, cultural programme was started. The formal programme was followed by various dances, songs ,jokes , skirt performances by ICYM members and parishioners . The MC for the Cultural Program was Jenevy Pereira and Macquin Rosario . This amazing program came to an end with the Baila dance.


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