By Rishal Dlima

Cascia - Mangaluru, Oct 25, 2024 : 

'Casciesta -2.0' Inauguration

On the occasion of the upcoming parish day of St. Rita Cascia church, ICYM Cascia unit planned on conducting inter ward competitions for the parishioners under the title "CASCIESTA-2.0". After the 8am mass, ICYM Cascia unit performed a flashmob and later on Khushi Dlima (President) welcomed everyone and gave a short brief on the Casciesta- 2.0 competition. Later on Khushi Dlima welcomed Fr. Avinash and Fr Charles for the banner inauguration of the competition. Fr Avinash inaugurated the banner and gave a short speech and best wishes for all the wards. Thereafter all ward gurkars and representatives were called front to pick up the team names for the ward.

Team names are as follow:
St Paul ward /Infant jesus ward - "RING TOSS"
St Antony ward - "TEAM JUGGLERS"
St Sebastian ward  - "TEAM COTTON CANDY"
St Peter ward - "TEAM TRAMPOLINE"
St Joseph ward  / Infant mary ward - "TEAM THUNDERBOLD EXPRESS"
Nithyadar ward  - "TEAM JUMBO"

After this the inauguration ended up with a vote of thanks speech by  ICYM president Khushi Riyana.

'CASCIESTA 2.0 Ludo and Carrom Competition'

The first event under 'CASCIESTA 2.0' series, Ludo and Carrom Competition took place on September 22, 2024.

The competition commenced at 9:30 AM in the Cascia Main Hall, immediately following the morning Mass. Sherwin and Melisha served as event heads. Melisha Montiero delivered a welcome speech to kick-start the event, followed by a brief address from the Parish Priest, who emphasized the importance of competition and encouraged the participants.

Sherwin and Melisha then announced the rules and regulations, and the competition began. 

The winners of the Ludo and Carrom competition are as follows:

'CASCIESTA 2.0 Singing Competition'

Under 'CASCIESTA 2.0' series, the Singing competition took place on September 22, 2024.  Neola and Jeswin were the event heads.

The competition commenced at 4:00 PM in the Cascia Main Hall. Neola delivered a welcome speech to kick-start the event. Rishal and Deon, at the announcer's desk, outlined the rules, and the competition began.

Jason Lobo and Russell Rodrigues served as judges. Khushi Dlima presented a memento to the judges. Jeswin delivered the vote of thanks.

'Casciesta 2.0 Quiz Competition'

The 4th event under 'CASCIESTA 2.0' series,  a quiz competition took place on September 29,2024.

The competition commenced at  4.00 pm in the Cascia Mini Hall,  Rishal and Brinal served as event heads.  Rishal Dlima delivered a welcome speech to kick-start the event, followed by a brief address from the Parish Priest, who emphasized the importance of competition and encouraged the participants.

Rishal then announced the rules and regulations, and the competition began. The program ended up with a vote of thanks by Brinal Amisha.

The winners of the quiz competition are as follows:


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