Media Release

Mangaluru, Dec 1 : Mount Carmel Central School, Mangaluru echoed with joy and enthusiasm as it hosted its much-anticipated 15th Annual Day celebration with the theme “Concordia”, showcased by the students of grade VII to XII on Wednesday, 29th November 2023.

The chief guest of the day Prof. Mathew C. Ninan, Director, Little Rock Indian School, Brahmavar was ushered into the school auditorium along with Joint Secretary Sr Asha Prima, Administrator Sr Carissima, Principal Sr Melissa and PTA Vice President Mrs Carol Pais, with the traditional rhythms of Chende. The evening was a harmonious blend of spiritual reflections, cultural performances, and refreshing memories based on the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ given by UNO and emphasized by CBSE in its curriculum.

The evening commenced with a soulful prayer song, followed by a vibrant welcome dance, symbolizing the warm and hospitable spirit of the school community. A cordial welcome was accorded by Principal Sister Melissa, which marked the beginning of a series of cultural events. The students of grade VII showcased a meaningful act, demonstrating the essence of UNO’s sustainable development goal no.3 “Good Health & Wellbeing” urging everyone to give importance to health, prioritizing resources, both natural and human. The cultural extravaganza continued with Kitchen Beats, a dynamic band that transformed simple sounds of the kitchenware into a beautiful symphony, leaving the audience enthralled. The unveiling of the annual report offered a glimpse into the school’s achievements and commitments for providing a holistic development of every student.

The chief guest Prof. Mathew C. Ninan presented ‘Mother Veronica Award of Excellence’ to the student achievers of grade X and Sr Asha Prima to grade XII in recognition of their efforts in various fields. Jessnia Correa, a student of grade VII was felicitated by the administrator Sr Carissima and the PTA Vice President Mrs Caroline Pais for her bouncing achievements in the CBSE National level roller Skating competition. Her parents experienced a proud moment to take the stage with her.

The chief guest was honoured by the Joint Secretary Sr Asha Prima and Principal Sister Melissa along with the other dignitaries for his visionary efforts at school education. In his impactful message, the esteemed chief guest underscored the crucial role of parents and teachers as models in shaping the character and values of their children. He emphasized the significance of leading by example, and lauded Mount Carmel Central School for imparting quality education and providing a good infrastructure for the growing needs of their students. Teacher Priyanka delivered the vote of thanks.

Group songs based on the theme Concordia refreshed the audience. Students of Grade VIII staged synchronized movements, expressive gestures, and brought the characters to life with their musical drama instilling values of humanity as envisaged in Goal 16 of Sustainable Development which aims at upholding peace, justice and strong institutions.

The students of grade IX and XI in the English Drama ‘The Necklace’ exposed the consequences of camouflaging due to societal expectations in the never ending quest for validation. Grade XI showcased the strength of women in Indian history where battles were fought and kingdoms rose and fell, leading to the undying spirit of empowerment and unity. The focus on ‘Quality Education’ as specified in Goal No 4 was highlighted in the dance drama presented by Grade IX students.

The culmination of the program was apt with the SCHOOL ANTHEM sung by the school choir in harmony that symbolized the very soul of Mount Carmel. The entire program was compered by Ciel, Raymond, Arka, Dawson, Jayden and Poorvi.


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