CT News

Mangaluru, Dec 1, 2023 : The Nine-day novena of Our Lady of Pompei was inaugurated today at 5 p.m at the Shrine of Pompei, in the presence of her devotees. As a mark of the inauguration of the nine day novena the festal flag was hoisted by Rev. Fr Benjamin Pinto, Parish Priest and Rev. Fr Rev. Fr Henry Sequeira. A brief prayer service was led by Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Benjamin Pinto at the shrine.

Thereafter, the statue of Our Lady of Pompei was carried in procession to the church. Rev. Fr Ashwin Lohith Cardoza, Director of ICYM Mangalore Diocese was the main celebrant. In his homily he enunciated the theme of the day "Mary calls us to be part of the family ". Novena prayers were offered at the end of the Eucharistic Celebration. Priests laid their hands and prayed for everyone gathered in the church.

Rev. Fr Benjamin Pinto - Parish Priest, Rev. Fr Henry Sequeira, vice President Mr. Lloyd Lobo, secretary Mrs. Silvia Mascarenhas and a large number of devotees of Our Lady of Pompei joined the Eucharistic Celebration.


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