CT News

Mangaluru , Oct 17 : "Know who you are and be it. Know what you want, go out and get it" - Carroll Bryant.

Indian Catholic Youth Movement Central Council - Mangalore Diocese, in collaboration with Konkani Toastmasters Club, hosted a "Meet and Greet" open house virtual training session on October 13, 2023.

Konkani Toastmasters Club was chartered on June 30th, 2021. The main purpose of this Konkani Toastmasters Club is to provide a supportive and positive learning environment that empowers individuals to grow, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal achievement.

The session began with a prayer led by Toastmaster Rev. Fr. Ashwin Cardoza, Director of ICYM Mangalore Diocese. Toastmaster Peter Anthony Pinto, President of Konkani Toastmasters Club, welcomed the participants and acted as TMOD. Toastmasters and members of ICYM introduced themselves to each other.

The speaker of the day, Toastmaster Joel Lancy Crasta, presented the prepared speech "People's Opinion." Toastmaster Zeena Dsouza evaluated his speech. Toastmaster DTM Zita Lobo conducted the table topic session. Toastmaster Jessie, Ms. Wilma Viyola Lobo, Ms. Viola Lewis, Mr. Mithesh DSouza, and Ms. Lavita DSouza were the table topic speakers. Ms. Lavita DSouza was awarded as the best table topic speaker. DTM Anitha Cordeiro did the General Evaluation along with her TAG team.

Youths of ICYM Mangalore Diocese participated actively and gained knowledge in the program.


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