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Bajpe, Oct 13 : ICYM Pezar deanery organized "Yuva Parzal 2023" youth event on Sunday 08 October, 2023 at St. Joseph’s PU College Auditorium, Bajpe from 9:45 AM to 5:00 PM.

The programme began with a prayer song led by ICYM Permude Unit.

Rev. Dr Ronald Cutinha - Parish priest Bajpe and Director ICYM Bajpe Unit, Rev. Dr Ozmond Roshan D’Souza – Director ICYM Pezar Deanery, Mr. Anil John Sequeira - Immediate Past President ICYM Central Council and ICYM Pezar Deanery Representative and Ms Frenta Regina Tauro – Animator ICYM Pezar Deanery were the dignitaries on the dais. Deanery President Mr Kevin Pinto and Secretary Ms Sonali Noronha were also present.

ICYM Pezar Deanery President Mr. Kevin Pinto welcomed the guests and participants. The programme was inaugurated by sticking the letters “YUVA PARZAL” on a board by the dignitaries.

The Chief Guest of the programme Rev. Dr Ronald Cutinha addressed the gathering and encouraged the youth to take part in church and social activities.

ICYM Pezar Deanery Secretary Ms Sonali Suzanne Noronha delivered the vote of thanks. The formal programme was compered by Ms. Josvita DSouza, Auditor, ICYM Pezar Deanery.

Fr Ashwin Cardoza – Director ICYM Central Council, Rev Fr Ronald Pinto - Parish Priest, Permude, Ms Wilma Lobo – General Secretary, ICYM Central Council, Lianna Rodrigues – PRO ICYM Central Council, Lavisha DSouza – Lady Vice President, Colin DSouza – Amcho Yuvak Representative, Terrence Crasta - ICYM Karnataka Regional Vice president and Nihan Sequeira – President ICYM Bantwal Deanery paid a visit to the programme.

Rev Fr Ashwin Cardoza congratulated the youth and motivated them to take part in youth activities.

Dr. Mona Jaqueline Mendonca being the first resource person spoke on how to be a true Christian Leader and learn time management. The session stressed on Christian youth to take part in church activities, learn to manage time between work – studies – personal time, take part in social gatherings and become a strong individual in the society.

Rev. Fr Richard Dsouza being the second resource person spoke about social media awareness. He taught the youth how to be safe from internet theft, crimes and problems and taught a few tricks to the participants.

Post lunch, Mr. Melston Noronha conducted Group activities and games for all the participants.

Rev. Fr Marcel Saldanha, Vicar Vara ICYM Pezar Deanery distributed prizes to all participants.

A group photo was taken and the programme ended by singing the ICYM Anthem.


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