News and Pics by Gordon DAlmeida / Naveen DSa

Mangaluru, Sep 17 : As drug menace in our society has drastically increased, the diocese of Mangalore has dedicated the month of September for Drug Awareness. In regard to this a drug awareness talk was held at Valencia church for the students of class 8,9,10, puc,degree,the youth and parents of the parish on 17 September 2023 at Golden Jubilee hall.

The resource person for this awareness talk was Lydia Lobo, Administrator of Link De-Addiction Centre Bajal. The awareness session began at 9.30am and went on till 11.15am. Resource person educated the gathering  about the ill effects of drug consumption and gave real life examples of how an individual falls in prey of drug addiction and the behavioural changes that take place in them. She also explained how to get out of the habit and lead a happy and normal life.Being parents how should they handle their children was also explained.

Parish Priest Fr Roque DSa, Asst parish priest Fr Vijay Monterio, Parish Council Vice-President Ronald Rodrigues,Co-ordinator of Youth Commission Patrick DSouza were present during the session.


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