Media Release

Mangaluru, Aug 10 : With an objective of creating a sound mind in a sound body among the children, Lourdes Central School observed Health and Fitness Week from 31st July to 6th August 2023.

The programme was inaugurated by Rev. Fr Robert D’Souza the Principal and Vice Principals Ms. Belita Mascarenhas and Ms. Anita Thomas on 31st July in a unique way by lighting the lamp & drinking Detox Water.

The objectives of the Health and Fitness Week were deeply instilled in the students through various activities. Everyday’s assembly emphasized on various themes like oral health and hygiene, nutritious food, balanced diet, physical and psychological health.

Health checkup was organized for all the Lourdites in cooperation with the medical faculty of Kasturba Medical College and A.J Shetty Memorial Hospital, Mangalore.

Health awareness talks and sessions were organized for a week. Resourceful doctors conducted enriching sessions for class I to XII. The sessions scheduled were - Good touch and bad touch, first aid, healthy and nutritious food, personality development, oral hygiene and stress management. Students expressed their opinions and clarified doubts.

Health awareness contest was also organized. Kindergarten students had Coloring the Fruit Basket, Classes 1 and 2 participated in Making Bookmark Classes 3 and 4 actively involved in Greeting Card competition, Classes 5 and 6 witnessed a wonderful competition of Word Antakshari, Classes 7 and 8 had Healthy Recipe competition, whereas Classes 9-10 had Collage Making and 11-12 had Poster Making competition respectively.

The Showstopper of LCS Health and Fitness Week was the everyday surprise activity which involved participation of Lourdite families at home. It included Waking up early in the morning, Meditation and Drinking a glass of vegetable juice on empty stomach, clapping hands, deep breathing exercises , Laughter Yoga therapy, Listening to soothing music, and having Nutrient food with the family. As the final surprise activity, students were encouraged to enjoy balanced meals with their family together.

The students decorated the Notice Boards with thought provoking slogans and quotes stressing on the importance of health and wellness. The Principal appreciated the programme coordinators, Ms Jasmine and Ms Padmashree Bhat for their tremendous work done.


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