CT News

Vamanjoor, Feb 8 , 2023 :  ICYM unit of St Joseph Church, Vamanjoor conducted "EKVOT CUP-2k23" interward men's Cricket and women's Lagori tournament on 5th of February to all the parishioners.

The tournament commenced with a prayer led by our team at 9:00 A.M. Parish priest and ICYM director Rev. Fr James D'Souza, Asst. Director and Asst. priest Fr Ashwin Crasta, all executive committee co-ordinator Mr. Anil Pinto, ICYM animator as well as parish council vice president Mr. Charles Pais, Parish council secretary CA Lovel Montheiro, ICYM president Johnson D'Souza, secretary Saritha Saldanha, Sports secretary Melroy D'Souza were present on the dias.

ICYM unit president Johnson D'Souza welcomed the gathering. Later Fr. James D'Souza addressed the gathering with a message, spoke a few words about the event and wished good luck to all the participants and for the success of this event.

The event was inaugurated by all the guests with a small gaming ceremony. In total there were 13 cricket and 15 lagori teams. Then the most awaited interward tournament had begun and all the parishioners participated with a lot of enthusiasm.

Then the tournament came to an end at around 6:30 P.M. In the closing ceremony ICYM president Johnson D'Souza delivered vote of thanks. Later on Mr. Anil Pinto & Asst priest Fr Ashwin Crasta shared their thoughts regarding the event and congratulated ICYM members for successfully conducting this event. Then the trophies were distributed to all the winners.

Both the inaugural and valedictory ceremonies were hosted by Mr. Arith Pinto.

Overall it was a fun filled day which brought up team spirit and unity among parishioners.


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