By Fr. Ivan D'souza

Mangaluru, Jan 31 : The Annual Feast of Infant Mary Parish, Bajjodi was celebrated with great pomp and fervour on Sunday the 29th of January 2023. The celebration began with the honouring of Infant Mary in a procession to the Church that was held at 9.45am. The Benefactors and Sponsors of the Feast were honoured with blessed candles by the Rev. Fr. Patrick Lobo at 9.50am followed by The Solemn Eucharistic Celebration at 10am. Rev. Fr. Santhosh Rodrigues, (Director – Pastoral Institute, Bajjodi) was the main Celebrant. Eight priests con-celebrated the Eucharist. Rev. Fr. Santhosh Rodrigues in his message requested the parishioners to focus on Family. He said that Our Lady should be honoured in every family by reciting the Holy Rosary every day and invited them to follow the footsteps of the Holy Family. As this year has been declared as the 'Year of The Family, the Parish Pastoral Council took the opportunity to conduct the Liturgy. The Church Choir lifted the spirits of the gathering with their singing.

After the Holy Eucharistic Celebration, a Fancy Fete was organised by the PPC & ICYM from 11.30 am to 2 pm. There was a big crowd at the fete - relishing the delicacies at the food counters and enthusiastically participating at the games counters.

The parish day celebration at Infant Mary Church, Bajjodi cannot be imagined without a cultural evening to make it eventful and memorable. The Cultural programme began with a Prayer song by the choir group. Verina, Melisha & Ashel performed a welcome dance which was followed by a stage programme. The 21 Ayog Coordinator, Mr. Ronald Goveas extended a warm welcome to all the dignitaries and the audience after which Secretary of the Parish Council, Mrs. Elizabeth Pereira presented the Parish Annual Report for the year 2022. The Chief Guest of the evening was Superior of St. Joseph’s Monastery - Rev. Fr. Charles Serrao. Parish Priest Fr. Ivan Dsouza, Fr. Patrick Lobo, Fr. Rayan Pinto, Vice President of the Parish Council Mr. Prakash Saldanha, Secretary Mrs Elizabeth Pereira, were the others on the dais.

Rev. Fr. Charles Serrao in his message said that he was pleased to see the vast difference in the Parish within 8 years. He congratulated everyone and encouraged the parishioners to work together and actively partake in all the Spiritual and Cultural activities and see that the Parish continues to grow as it has been in the past eight years. Rev. Fr. Patrick Lobo expressed his thoughts on this occasion and stressed the need for unity among the parishioners and requested all to encourage one another and render their full support in the Church activities. Fr. Ivan thanked all parishioners for their constant support and said that this year being dedicated to the 'Family', importance will be given to families wherein various programmes and competitions will be conducted throughout the year in this regard.

Winners of various competitions were awarded prizes on the occasion. Lucky draw winner was announced. Mrs. Irine Pinto and Mrs. Renita Dsouza were honoured with shawl, fruits, momento, Maan Patr and Peta. All those who served in the PPC in the last three terms were honoured with a gift. Champion Trophy was given to children of St. Anthony and Sacred Heart wards on the basis of maximum participation. The stage programme was compered by Mrs. Sharel Noronha. Mr. Prakash Saldanha proposed the Vote of Thanks.

Soon after the stage programme, the Solar Project was inaugurated. Parish priest thanked everyone for their generosity and a one minute video of the Project was presented. There were dance performances from Children, Youth and Adults that entertained the audience. Vincent Pinto conducted the Spot Games and also enacted Jokes along with his team. Excellent performance, clean comedy and powerful message captured the hearts of the audience. The cultural evening ended with a game of Housie Housie. Cultural Programme was compered by Mrs. Renita Dsouza. The Parish Day Celebration was indeed a successful one that brought the parishioners together to enjoy the day and go back home happy.


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