By Rev. Fr. Eusebio Gomes, sfx

Goa, Jan 5 : A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.

The above words were realised on 30th December 2022, for a soul that was thirsting! Yes, a dream was fulfilled and tears of joy rolled down the cheeks of the author as the chief guests unfolded the covers of the book.

Well, it was a memorable day for the Sisters of the Congregation of the Holy Family of Nazareth, Goa, as their own member penned down a biography of their founder through prayer and contemplation, in their mother tongue – Konknni, a valued document.

The book was released on their Patron Feast - the Holy Family - at Sancoale as they rejoiced and thanked God for the immemorial history of the Congregation down the memory lane, under the watchful guidance of the Holy Family.

The book “Sogttank Sogott’’ written by Sr. Molly Fernandes sfn, was released through the hands of Rev. Sr. Noemia D Souza dhm, the niece of Founder Fr. Faustino D Souza, a member of the Daughters of Heart of Mary Congregation, in the esteemed presence of Mr. Premanand Lotlikar, the Ex-President of Dalgado Konknni Academy, Rev. Sr. Berna Rodrigues, sfn the Superior General, and Mr. Vincy Quadros, the President of Dalgado Konknni Academy, Priests, Konkani lovers, members of the congregation, family members and friends of Sr. Molly.

The evening began with a song sung by SFN sisters on the life of Founder Faustino followed by a prayer dance by the candidates. The Superior General Sr. Berna Rodrigues, welcomed the distinguished guest and in her speech lauded the works of Sr. Molly and thanked her for her painstaking work. Later the sisters welcomed the dignitaries on the dais with potted plants.

Well known singer and a teacher Mr. George Gonsalves, enthralled the audience with his powerful voice singing his own composition on the life of Fr. Faustino D Souza.

The Chief Guest of the day Rev. Sr. Noemia D Souza, in her few words said Sr. Molly is a prolific writer, who writes not only on religious topics but on social and other relevant and burning issues. She quoted from one of her articles, ‘Ahead of time’. D Souza, the niece of Founder Fr Faustino, congratulated Sr. Molly, for this masterpiece on the life of her uncle.

Mr Vincy Quadros, the President of Dalgado Konknni Academy, spoke on the book. He said that Sr. Molly has done research on the life of Fr Faustino and made lots of efforts to present his life and mission in a book form. As he quoted: that the Superior General compares her work to an oyster, which produces pearls. Quadros spoke at large explaining the book in a nutshell, how Sr. Molly tried to make the Life of Founder known in 33 chapters. Besides 2 chapters of inspiring stories and interviews with different personalities!

The Ex-president of Dalgado Konknni Academy, Mr Premanand Lotlikar, applauded the works of Sr. Molly and her simple, humane way of going about. Someone who he feels is one among the people given her state of life. Lotlikar further, went on to say, that the life sketch of a person can be well preserved in a book form than in cd’s, vcd’s or pendrive which get destroyed soon.

The writer, Sr. Molly, while speaking, said just as a mother goes through the pangs of birth and forgets all the struggles she is gone through, when she gives birth to her child, such is the moment and experience and being emotional shed tears of joy as many in the audience felt one with her and that she is happy as her book has seen the light after she encountered struggles, pains and obstacles in producing the book. The goal of writing the book she exclaimed: is to make her Founder known to the people and to have a valid document to start the process of his canonisation.

Sr Fernandes, thanked the Superior General for all her support and the councillors to publish the book. She expressed her gratitude to Archbishop Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao and Rev. Fr. Manuel Gomes, for the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat and those present. Sr. Fernandes, expressed thanks to Rev. Fr. Rico Fernandes cap, for his continued support and encouragement.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Sr. Concy Braganza. As a token of appreciation, the dignitaries were offered Christmas hampers. The evening program was compered by Ms Sonia Gomes, member of Dalgado Konknni Academy, with her fluent Konknni.


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