The beginning :

The Piusnagar parish was originally a part of the Kundapur parish. Realising the difficulties of the people of Halehalve also known as Hanglur the priests from Kundapur established a small chapel in 1955. Late Albert Menezes had played a prominent role in getting a separate parish at Halehalve. It was on 25th October 1958 that a separate parish was constituted and Fr. Casmir D’Sa was appointed as the first parish priest of the Church dedicated to St. Pius X. He started the construction of the church building that was completed in 1961 during the tenure of late Fr. Antony D’Souza as the parish priest and was blessed and dedicated by the then Bishop of Mangalore, Most. Rev. Dr. Raymond D’Mello on 10th April 1961. As there was dispute between two groups regarding the naming of the parish-one supporting the name as Halehalve and the other in favour of Hanglur, Fr. Antony D’Souza decided to tread a neutral path and named the parish as Piusnagar after the name of the patron saint, St. Pius X.

Inauguration of the renovated church :

Prior to the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the parish, the renovation of the church building was undertaken by Fr. John Walter Mendonca, the present parish priest under the guidance and suggestions of Fr. Vincent Martis, the parish priest of Sasthan. The thoroughly renovated and enlarged beautiful new church was blessed and inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius D’Souza on 1st December 2009.

Golden Jubilee celebration :

The Golden Jubilee Celebrations of St. Pius X parish were planned to coincide with the annual parish feast. Hence, the five days celebrations began with the Confraternity Sunday on 10th January 2010, which was also observed as the Parish Day. Following the mass and procession, the former Vice-Presidents and Secretaries of the Parish Pastoral Council, Gurkars of Wards and distinguished achievers of the parish were felicitated. This was followed by a fellowship meal for all the parishioners.

On Monday 11th January 2010, Vocational Day was celebrated by honouring the priests, nuns and religious who belonged to the parish. Rev. Fr. Valerian Fernandes, the Vicar General of Aurangabad Diocese who is from Piusnagar celebrated the Mass. 

While celebrating the Golden Jubilee, the parishioners did not forget their departed brothers and sisters. A day of commemorating the dead was observed on Tuesday 12th January 2010. Parishioners went in procession to the cemetery and prayer service was held in memory of the departed souls of the parishioners.

On Wednesday, 13th January 2010 vespers (Besp) was conducted in the evening. The vespers service was led by Fr. Vincent D’Souza, the former parish priest of St. Pius X church. The prayer service and sermon were followed by colourful fireworks.

The five days Golden Jubilee celebrations of St. Pius X Parish at Piusnagar from 10th to 14th January 2010 ended with the solemn Eucharistic celebration that coincided with the annual parish feast on Thursday, 14th January 2010. Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore concelebrated the feast Mass along with parish priest, Fr. John Walter Mendonca and around 35 priests.

Following the Mass, the valedictory function was arranged in front of the church. Fr. John Walter Mendonca welcomed the Bishop and the guests. Leena Tauro, Secretary of the Parish Pastoral Council read the report of development of the parish during the past fifty years. The former parish priests - Fr. Vincent D’Souza, Fr. Maxim Noronha and Fr. Wilfred Gonsalves were honoured by the Bishop. Similarly, Rev. Fr. Valerian Fernandes and Fr. Vincent Martis, parish priest of Sasthan, were also honoured. A number of donors were also felicitated. In his address Bishop Dr. Aloysius D’Souza appreciated the people of Piusnagar for celebrating the Golden Jubilee of their parish in a befitting manner.

St Anthony Chapel Koteshwara declared a Parish :

The long awaited dream of establishing a parish in Koteshwar was realized on Sunday January 30, 2011. The chapel was established by the then parish priest of Piusnagar church Rev Fr Lawrence Maxim Noronha in 1997.

Episcopal Vicar Fr Baptist Menezes read the decree from the Bishop of Mangalore and declared St Anthony’s Chapel a parish.
For the past ten years, the Carmelite priests have been offering daily Mass at this chapel, since the parish is entrusted to the care of the Carmelites of Karnataka and Goa province. Carmelites Karnataka and Goa Provincial Dr Archibald Gonsalves was also present on the occasion.
Fr Vincent D’Souza, who had earlier served for 10 years in a church in the State of Bahrain took charge as the first parish priest of St Anthony’s parish, Koteshwar.
Provincial Dr Archibald acknowledged the services of Fr Maxim Noronha in establishing St Anthony’s Chapel, Fr Walter Mendonca, parish priest of Pius Nagar for facilitating the process, and Fr Boniface D’Souza for taking leadership.

Diamond Anniversary celebration of the Church : 
St Pius X Church Piusnagar celebrated parish feast and diamond anniversary on 08th January, 2020.

Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese celebrated holy Eucharist along with Msgr. Maxim Noronha, Vicar general of Mangalore Diocese; V. Rev. Fr Stany Tauro, Dean of Kundapur deanery; Rev. Fr Alfred Barboza, Parish Priest of Piusnagar church, deanery priests, diocesan priests and guest priests. Msgr. Maxim D’Souza preached the homily.

After the mass, Msgr. Maxim Noronha, former parish priest of Piusnagar was felicitated by the Bishop. Rev. Fr Alfred Barboza thanked donors, sponsors and those who helped the jubilee.

In the evening, a felicitation programme was held at church premises. Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese; V. Rev. Fr Stany Tauro, Dean of Kundapur Deanery; Rev. Fr Alfred Barboza, Parish Priest of Piusnagar Church; Rev. Fr Vincent D’Souza, Former Parish Priest and Parish Priest of Kulur Church; Rev. Fr John Walter Mendonca, Former Parish Priest and Parish Priest of Sastan Church; and others were present on the dais. Former and Present Parish Priests, vice-presidents, Secretaries and Gurkars were felicitated on this occasion.

Parish Priests who have served at the parish : 

  • Fr. Casmir D’Sa (1958) - First parish priest
  • Fr. Antony D’Souza
  • Fr. Jacob Crasta
  • Fr. Sylvester D'Souza
  • Rev Vincent D'Souza (Sr) (1987 - 94)
  • Rev Lawrence Maxim Noronha (1994 - 2001)
  • Fr John Walter Mendonca (2008 - 2015)
  • Fr John Alfred Barboza (2015 - 2021)
  • Fr Albert Crasta (from 2021 onwards)

(Complete list will be updated soon)

Compiled by Catholic Time Staff
Last updated in Dec 2021

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