The Background

The date 2 November 1910 is etched in golden letters in the history of Belle, ‘Boliye’ in Konkani language. It was on that day, 100 years ago that the parish dedicated to St. Lawrence at Belle was officially established by the decree issued by the then Bishop of Mangalore, Rt. Rev. Paul Perini. By this decree, Belle which so far was under the jurisdiction of the Shirva parish came to be constituted into an independent parish. The Belle parish completed a century on 2 November 2010.

The origin of Christianity in South Kanara comprising the present districts of Udupi and Dakshina Kannada can be traced since around 1500. Following the discovery of the sea route to India by the Portuguese adventurer-Vasco da Gama, the Portuguese established their political control over Goa and carried on converting the indigenous people. St. Francis Xavier was chiefly responsible for converting a large number of local people to Christianity. The Portuguese built a number of churches in Goa including the Bom Jesus Church at Old Goa. However, quite a number of newly converted Christians gradually migrated from various places in Goa to the south between 1500 and 1763 due to political, economic and cultural reasons. These immigrant Christians from Goa who settled down in different villages of the South Kanara came to be known as ‘Konkani Christians’.

One of the prominent reasons for the migration of the Konkani Christians to South Kanara was the oppressive character of the ‘Edict of Goa Inquisition’. The Portuguese authorities, both political and religious, wanted to eliminate all the traces of paganism in the customs and manners of the native Christians with particular reference to birth, death, festivals and dress. This created a sense of fear and insecurity in the minds of the native Christians. Though they embraced Christianity, the native people wanted to preserve their native culture and thus, they migrated to the Kanara region and settled down at different places.

The rulers of Vijayanagara and the Nayaks of Keladi encouraged the Konkani Christian migration because they were a useful group in the economic setup of the region. The Konkani Christians came to South Kanara during this period as artisans, merchants, cultivators and even for the propagation of faith. Agricultural land was available in South Kanara in sufficient quantity for cultivation. Gradually, the Konkani Christians learnt Kannada and Tulu, but retained Konkani as their mother tongue, they built churches, organized parishes, started industries and warehouses in the region to promote socio-economic development in their own way.

Traditions confirm that Churches were founded in different places in South Kanara a few centuries back including the one at Shirva to which Belle was affiliated. Though it is not easy to say exactly when the first church was built in Shirva, it is certain that till 1911 two churches existed in Shirva - the Lower Church and the Upper Church. In the absence of documents, it is difficult to pinpoint which of them was built earlier. However, according to generally held belief, the Lower Church dedicated to N. S. de Saude (Our Lady of Health) was built earlier. It has been commonly believed that this church was located originally in Kodi on Shirva Katapady Road. The Nayaks of Bedanore, especially during the days of Venkappa Nayak (1586-1630) brought the whole of the west coast under their jurisdiction and laid a solid foundation for a strong government. As Christians were good agriculturists the Nayaks encouraged them in their territory. This resulted in the spread of Christianity from the coastal area to the hinterland and in the building of a number of churches. Thus, it can be presumed that the Church at Kodi was constructed at this period. Another tradition says that a Church existed at Mannettu, a border of Shirva and Kuthyar village at the end of the seventeenth century.

The Kanara Konkani Christians faced the worst phase in their history when they became the victims of the persecution of Tipu Sultan who became the ruler of Mysore from 1761 to 1799 following the death of his father-Hyder Ali. The Christians were persecuted on the suspicion of their being the supporters of the British who were emerging as a political power in India. Tipu Sultan’s soldiers destroyed many of the churches in Kanara including those at Kodi and Manettu in Shirva. Between 1783 and 1785 thousands of Kanara Christians including from Shirva and neighbouring regions were taken as captives to Seringapatam, the capital of Tipu Sultan where they were tortured and subjected to hardships.

Following the final defeat and death of Tipu Sultan in the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War in 1799, the Konkani Christians were liberated from captivity and those who had survived returned to their homes in South Kanara and were allowed to settle on their land. Gradually, the Christians began to rebuild their churches and organise themselves into parishes.

Before 1815 as many 23 Churches, including four in the Mulki Varado were rebuilt. Before Tipu destroyed the churches there were four churches including the Saude Church of Shirva in Mulki Varado. It is presumed that the Saude Church of Shirva was also rebuilt before this period. However, it was shifted from its original location at Kodi to a new place known as Hale Hithlu where the present Mahalaxmi Narayani Temple is situated.

The place where the church dedicated to Our Lady of Health stood was a gift from a well-to-do Bunt family. The ancestors of late Chandayya Hegde’s famous Kodu Household had no girl child in their family. The family offered to donate a piece of land to the Saude Church if a girl child was born in their family. It is believed that God heard their prayer made through Our Lady of Health and blessed them with a girl child. In gratitude for the gift of a girl child, the Kodu Bunt family donated the land for the church as they had promised. Even now this area is called the Old Church area.

Meanwhile, a new church dedicated to St. Francis Xavier was built by Fr. Joachim Borges in 1859 located at the present cemetery of the Shirva parish. Thus, there were two churches in Shirva, the one dedicated to Our Lady of Health came to be known as the Lower Church and the one that was dedicated to St. Francis Xavier, the Upper Church.

It was a period of differences and conflict between two church authorities known as 'Padroado' and 'Propaganda'. In 1514 Padroado, that is, ‘State Patronage’ system was introduced in Goa and in 1534 Goa became an independent diocese having jurisdiction over a vast territory including the whole Kanara. In 1632, the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of Faith, popularly known as ‘Propaganda’ was established by Pope Clement X who appointed Thomas De Castro as the honorary bishop of Fulsivila and Vicar Apostolic of Kanara in 1674 under the Propaganda system which the Portuguese refused to recognize. Thus there was a conflict between Padroado and Propaganda.  

As Kanara came under the control of the British following the defeat and death of Tipu Sultan in 1799, the Vatican decided to take advantage of the situation and Pope Gregory XVI abolished the Padroado system outside the Portuguese territories in India, and extended the Propaganda system in these territories and Apostolic Vicariates were established.

In 1836, the Catholics in the Kanara region were advised to transfer their allegiance to the Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly in Kerala as there was no legitimate bishop in Goa as the bishop nominated by the Portuguese government was not acceptable to the Vatican. Many priests with their parishioners followed this advice but others refused, resulting in rift among a number of priests and their parishioners.

Even in Shirva, while the church dedicated to Our Lady of Health (Lower Church) was under the control of Padroado of Goa, the church dedicated to St. Francis Xavier (Upper Church) was under the Propaganda affiliated to the Bishop of Verapoly in Kerala. Thus, the two churches had their own jurisdiction and the division among the Catholics seemed to be unbridgeable. The priests and people of both these churches tried their best to win the supporters to their side. The fact that for a long time the people of the same religion fought with each other regarding the spiritual jurisdiction of the two bishops was really sad.

Meanwhile, Kanara was established as an independent Vicariate under Bishop Michael Anthony (OCD) in 1853. In 1886 the Vicariate was raised to the status of a Diocese and the Vicar Apostolic of Mangalore, Most Rev. Nicholas Maria Pagani S.J. became the first Bishop of Mangalore.

Due to lack of proper records, it is not possible to reconstruct the complete history of the two churches in Shirva. As per the available documents, Fr. H. S. Miranda was the parish priest of the Lower Church from 1872 to 1876. He was succeeded by Fr. Francis Xavier Alemco from 1876 to 1879 and from 1879 to 1901 Fr. Gregory Anthony Menezes worked as the parish priest.

As mentioned above, it was Fr. Joachim Borges who built the church dedicated to St. Francis Xavier also known as the Upper Church. He was succeeded by Fr. Louis Noronha as the parish priest from 1872 to 1874. The later parish priests were - Fr. Manuel D’Souza and Fr. Nicholas Cornelio who was the parish priest from 1885 till 1904. He was quite an influential and forward looking priest and acquired many acres of land from the government practically free of cost. Fr. Nicholas Cornelio was the contemporary of Fr. Gregory Anthony Menezes, the parish priest of the Lower Church.

At that time there were no churches in Belle, Shankerpura and Mudarangadi. The people of these places had to come to Shirva to attend Sunday Masses and for other religious obligations. Realising the need to have a place of worship for the people living in the north-east regions of the parish around six acres of land was acquired at Mattar. However, as it was felt that the place was in a corner of the region to which the church would serve, a new centrally located place at Nittool was acquired later where the present church dedicated to St. Lawrence stands.

Fr. Gregory Anthony Menezes chose St. Lawrence as the patron saint and decided to build a Chapel at Belle and arranged for the Sunday Mass. Till the chapel was constructed Fr. Gregory Anthony Menezes used to offer the Sunday Mass and fulfill spiritual needs of the people of Belle at the house of Rocky Aranha. It is said that Fr. Menezes used to travel from Shirva to Belle and back on a horse.

As Rocky Aranha was literate he was nominated as the Catechist by Fr. Menezes. With the help of the people a chapel with a tile roof and mud walls was raised followed by a kitchen and a small residence for the priest. The Sunday Mass and other religious and social activities began to be conducted in this chapel. Meanwhile, the burial ground was also demarcated which later developed as the present cemetery. Acquiring some land towards the south of the cemetery from the Kattingeri Village few paddy fields were carved out and two families were settled on that land by constructing hay-roof houses. These two families were assigned the task of working in and guarding the chapel.

On 4 March 1901, Fr. Gregory Anthony Menezes, the founder of the chapel in Belle expired and he was succeeded by Fr. Sebastian Furtado. He continued the mission work in Belle that was started by late Fr. Menezes. Following the transfer of Fr. Furtado, his place was taken by Fr. Gregory D’Souza who continued the pastoral work at Belle through his assistant priest, Fr. Salvadore Mathias. Meanwhile, in the Upper Church Fr. Nicholas Cornelio was succeeded by Fr. Rosario Lewis in 1904. He started the post office and a weekly market at Shirva. He also initiated the process for the unification of the Upper and Lower Churches. In 1906, Fr. Rosario Lewis was succeeded by Fr. Casmir Fernandes as the parish priest of the Upper Church.

Foundation of  St. Lawrence Parish at Belle

So it's clear there were two churches in Shirva, one dedicated to Our Lady of Health also known as the Lower Church and the Upper Church dedicated to St. Francis Xavier. While the Lower Church was under the jurisdiction of Padroado of Goa, the Upper Church was under charge of the Bishop of Verapoly in Kerala. Thus, the Catholics of Shirva were divided into two groups and there was a need to bring these two rival groups under one church and parish in order to foster unity and solidarity among them. Meanwhile, Belle that was affiliated to the Lower Church had a chapel for Sunday Mass and other religious functions.

It was during the tenure of Fr. Gregory D’Souza and Fr. Casmir Fernandes as the parish priests of the Lower and Upper Churches respectively that a serious attempt was made for the unification of both the churches. Both these priests being broadminded decided to work together to bring about the unification of both these parishes which were hardly two furlongs apart. Thus, both Fr. D’Souza and Fr. Fernandes worked out measures to amalgamate these two churches  into one parish.

The proposed solution as visualised by Fr. Gregory D’Souza and Fr. Casmir Fernandes to the age-old problem comprised the constitution of a united parish under the church dedicated to Our Lady of Health (Lower Church), cancellation of the Upper Church dedicated to St. Francis Xavier and raising the chapel at Belle into a full-fledged parish dedicated to St. Lawrence and transferring the religious articles from the Upper Church to that of Belle.

As per the decision taken by the ‘zuntha’, both the Lower and Upper churches at Shirva were pulled down and the foundation for the new church dedicated to Our Lady of Health at the present location was laid on 9 November 1911 by Bishop Paul Perini. The chief mason of the new church was Mathias D’Silva of Katapady. The church building was completed in February 1915 and on 9 February 1915, Bishop Paul Perini blessed and inaugurated the new church.

Being appointed as the first parish priest of St. Lawrence Church, Belle, Fr. Casmir Fernandes took charge of the parish on 15 November 1910. In order to assist him in church activities as sacristan, a fifteen year old young boy named Salvador Barboza, son of Francis Xavier Barboza who was the sacristan at Shirva, accompanied Fr. Casmir Fernandes to Belle.

As the earlier chapel had become old and dilapidated, Fr. Casmir Fernandes got a new makeshift chapel with thatched roof and mud-walls (govol) built. Bishop Most Rev. Paul Perini visited Belle for the first time on 12 and 13 November 1911 and administered the sacrament of Chrism (Confirmation) to a number of young children as well as adults. As there was a need for the residence for priests, foundation stone for the same was laid on 26 February 1912.

For nearly five years, Fr. Casmir Fernandes conducted Sunday and weekday Masses in the thatched roofed ‘govol’ for nearly five years. By that time the number of parishioners gradually began to increase and it was felt that a new and more spacious church had to be built. After completing the preliminary planning and preparations, on 2 February 1915 Bishop Paul Perini blessed and laid the foundation stone for the new church building.

There are a number of anecdotes that are related to the construction of the church building which have become folklore. The pious and selfless life and words of Fr. Casmir Fernandes influenced and impacted not only the Christians but also the non-Christians in and around Belle. As a result of this, irrespective of their religious beliefs and caste differences, people of the village offered their contribution in whatever manner possible. Some of them donated huge trees for the construction of the church. As there were no roads and vehicles, the mutts loaned their elephants to transport the huge timber to Belle.

At that time money was a scarce commodity. However, there were few enterprising and well-to-do persons who donated cash to the construction of the church. One well-known person named Lawrence Gaga donated Rs.1000, which was considered as a large amount at that time. The tile manufacturers from Mangalore gave thousands of tiles as donation. Lime was brought from Udyavar and sand was transported by the people as head-loads from the Belle River.

The contract for the building of the church was given to Monthu Mesth of Bajpe and David Mesth of Goa who worked on the construction of the church building along with their assistants and the people of Belle. Sacristan Salvador Barboza and others helped Fr. Casmir Fernandes by shouldering the responsibility of supervising the construction of the church. After three years of continuous work, the church building was ready by the end of 1918 and was blessed by Bishop Paul Perini on 31 December 1918.

Though the church building dominated the landscape of Belle, there were no other facilities that were available for the people of Belle. Gradually, it was due to the efforts of Fr. Casmir Fernandes that Belle gradually developed as a township (peth). Even before the construction of the church building, in 1913, the primary school that was conducted by Dasapayya (grandfather of B.Sadananda Rao) was transferred to the Belle parish so that it could be managed in a better way. Dasapayya continued as its headmaster till 1919. Thereafter, Salvador Barboza doubled as the sacristan and headmaster of the primary school for a few years.

Realising the need of the people of the village, Fr. Casmir Fernandes took efforts to introduce a weekly market to be held on every Tuesday that led to the growth of the present ‘Santhe-katte’, a post office and petty shops to sell various provisions needed by the people on a day-to-day basis. As there was no transport facility, Fr. Casmir Fernandes took initiative to lay the road that eventually connected Karkala and Udupi through Belle.

Since the time of Fr. Casmir Fernandes, the annual parish feast of the Belle has been celebrated during the first Tuesday and Wednesday in the month of January every year. Realising that a number of non-Catholics attended the Vespers on Tuesday on the eve of the annual feast especially to witness the fire-works, Fr. Casmir Fernandes introduced the practice of delivering sermons in the Tulu language during the Vespers.

As the health of Fr. Casmir Fernandes due to enormous amounts of work began to deteriorate, on 14 April 1931, Fr. William Lewis was sent as the first assistant priest to Belle. He was instrumental in starting the Altar Servers and Men’s Sodalities in Belle.

Visualising the difficulties faced by the people of Bailoor, Kanajar, Palli and Ninjoor to attend Mass on Sundays and other important days and fulfil their other spiritual needs due to the great distance from these regions to Belle, Fr. William Lewis acquired a plot of land and built a chapel in 1932 at Kanajar and also raised a cross on the elevated rock known as Madmalekal (Brides’s Rock) where it still stands.

Few years later, Kanajar was raised as an independent parish on 28 May 1938 and Fr. William Lewis was sent there as the first parish priest. Thus, Kanajar became the first parish to be carved out of the Belle parish. Under the supervision of Fr. William Lewis, a beautiful church dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes was constructed and was blessed and inaugurated on 28 April 1948 by the then Bishop of Mangalore, Rt. Rev. Victor Fernandes. Earlier, in 1939, Fr. William Lewis had started the higher elementary school at Kanajar.

After quarter of a century’s dedicated service during which he not only constructed the church building but also nurtured a strong parish community, Fr. Casmir Fernandes was transferred to Udyavar in 1935. On 25 May 1935, the grateful parish community of Belle gave a tearful farewell to Fr. Casmir Fernandes.

Fr. Casmir Fernandes was born on 22 April 1877 at Bajpe. He was ordained a priest on 7 February 1904. He served as the parish priest of Shirva from 1906 to 1910, Belle from 1910 to 1935 and Udyavar from 1935 to 1950. After retirement Fr. Casmir Fernandes stayed in the retired priests’ home at Kankanady, Mangalore. He celebrated the Golden Jubilee of his priesthood at Belle. He passed away on 18 May 1955. His body was brought to Belle on 19 May 1955 and was interred inside the church.

Development  of the Belle Parish

Following the transfer of Fr. Casmir Fernandes from Belle as the parish priest of Udyavar, Fr. Alphonse Maria Ligory D’Souza arrived as the second parish priest of Belle. Fr. Ligory D’Souza had the reputation of being a famous and effective preacher. His powerful sermons were attentively heard by the people. He initiated the tradition of the devotion of the Holy Hour on the first Sundays of every month.

In order to manifest the gratitude of the Belle parishioners towards Fr. Casmir Fernandes, Fr. Ligory D’Souza invited the former on 5 October 1935 and celebrated the Silver Jubilee of Fr. Casmir Fernandes accepting the responsibility as the parish priest of Belle and food was served to the poor people of the parish.  Fr. Ligory D’Souza also made arrangements for bringing the mortal remains of late Fr. Gregory Anthony Menezes, the former parish priest of the Lower Church of Shirva who had started the first chapel at Belle, in a grand procession and were interred inside the church at Belle in front of the eastern side altar.

It was during the tenure of Fr. Ligory D’Souza as the parish priest that a number of developments took place in the infra-structure of the church. In 1943,  Fr. Ligory got the  church floor fixed with brick-tiles; provided galleries for the communion at the edge of the main platform of the altar; renovated the chief altar and the tower of the church; constructed a separate room for the baptismal font; and built the stone compound wall for the cemetery and provided it with a gate.

The silver jubilee of the construction of the church building was celebrated during the tenure of Fr. Ligory D’Souza for a week from 2 January 1944. The then Bishop of Mangalore, Most  Rev. Victor Fernandes offered the Pontifical Mass  and the first priest from Belle, Fr. Fabian Fernandes, grandson of Alex Gaga delivered the homily during this occasion. Fr. Ligory D’Souza worked alone without an assistant priest for six years. He even taught for some time in the school and became quite popular among the people of Belle. He was transferred to Hospet on 3 June 1945 and till a new parish priest arrived, the spiritual needs of the Belle parishioners were looked after temporarily by the then parish priest of Shankerpura (Pangala) Fr. Basil Peris who later became the Bishop of Mangalore.

On 11 June 1945, Fr. Jerome Pinto came to Belle as the third parish priest. He dug the well in front of the kitchen; laid tiles on the floor of the church; extended the front portion of the residence of the priests as a portico; and erected the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes in the northern end of the church compound.

In order to enhance the spiritual life of the parishioners, Fr. Jerome Pinto started the Secular Order of St. Francis of Assisi also known as the Tertiary Order in 1951. In 1954, Fr. Casmir Fernandes who was staying at the retired priests’ home at Kankanady was invited to Belle and the Golden Jubilee of his priesthood was celebrated in a befitting manner under the supervision of Fr. Jerome Pinto. Following the death of Fr. Casmir Fernandes on 18 May 1955, his body was brought to Belle on 19 May 1955 and was interred within the church in front of the main altar.

Fr. Gracian D’Souza came to Belle as the assistant priest during the tenure of Fr. Jerome Pinto. Though Fr. Gracian was in Belle for a brief period of four months, he took initiative to lay the road from Belle to Kinnigudde. The next assistant priest was Fr. Charles Saldanha. He served in Belle for six years and during this period he became very popular among the young children. Fr. Robert Pinto, a prolific preacher, followed Fr. Charles Saldanha as the assistant priest. Fr. Robert Pinto’s sermons, especially during the Lent, had been very effective among the parishioners. He was also good at singing and conducting liturgical services. Fr. Joseph Sequeira was the next assistant priest during the tenure of Fr. Jerome Pinto as the parish priest. After 12 years of service as the parish priest of Belle, Fr. Jerome Pinto was transferred to Ferar.

The parish of Belle was placed on the right path of progress in the field of education with the arrival of Fr. Abundius D’Souza as the fourth parish priest on 21 April 1957. He was soft-spoken and quiet natured and known for his spirituality and dedication.  He introduced a number of innovations both spiritual and material in the Belle parish. Fr. Abundius was chiefly responsible for reviving the dormant Men’s Sodality. He introduced the practice of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the first Friday of every month and introduced evening Mass at 4 pm on every Sunday for the benefit of the parishioners who were unable to attend the morning Mass. He rebuilt the top portion of the facade of the church that was damaged due to lightning that struck on 21 October 1957. He also renovated the portico of the church.

Realising the need to have a bank in Belle, Fr. Abundius D’Souza took initiative to open the branch of the Pangala Nayak Bank. As the parish community was growing with additional families, Fr. Abundius increased the number of Wards from nine to fifteen.

However, the name of Fr. Abundius D’Souza has been immortalised in the annals of the history of Belle due to the fact that it was he who realised the importance of education and understood the problems faced by the young children of Belle who had to travel to far off places such as Innanje, Shirva or Udupi for high school education.  The school going children had to face   a number of difficulties while travelling to these places as they had to cross the rivers which was quite dangerous during the rainy season. Fr. Abundius D’Souza worked to get the approval of the parishioners.

According to some accounts, realising the need to have a high school in Belle, in 1958 some of the prominent residents of the village irrespective of their religion and caste held a meeting in the Church Higher Primary School hall under the leadership of Fr. Abundius and floated the idea of having a high school in Belle. Among those who were present at the meeting, Francis D’Souza (Sila Soz) of Kodangala promised a donation of one thousand rupees that gave momentum to the process of having a high school in Belle. The other prominent persons who supported the idea of having a high school included two Immanuel D’Souzas, popularly known as ‘Bahrain Monna’ and ‘Monnu Master’, Salvador Barboza, Lawrence D’Souza (Post Master) and the teachers of the Church Aided Higher Primary School. Other persons present in the meeting also supported this idea and promised to do whatever it needed to have a high school in the village. It is also said that the members of the St. Lawrence Club in Mumbai also felt that there should be a high school in Moodubelle for the benefit of their children.

Thus, against all odds, Fr. Abundius succeeded in establishing the high school named after the patron saint of the parish, St. Lawrence. The St. Lawrence High School started  functioning from 2 June 1959 with Denis D’Silva as the first headmaster. The first batch of the high school was inaugurated in the presence of  the then Bishop of Mangalore, Most Rev. Dr. Raymond D’Mello, Denis Pinto MLA and  T.A. Pai.

With the foundation of the high school, Belle was set on the path of progress. The children are no longer required to travel long distances to acquire secondary education in different places.

The construction of the new building for the high school was a daunting task. With a meagre donation that was collected from the people and other sources as well by the voluntary labour contributed by the parishioners in the form of ‘sarthi’, the high school building was finally ready by November 1960.  In this task of construction of the  new building for the high school, the then assistant parish priest Fr. Theodore Lobo’s contribution was quite significant. For ten days from 19 November 1960, Belle witnessed a series of celebrations such as the inauguration of the new building of St. Lawrence High School, Golden Jubilee of the foundation of the Belle parish and the Silver Jubilee of the ordination of Fr. Abundius D’Souza. The Auxiliary Bishop of Mysore, Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza inaugurated these celebrations.

Fr. Abundius D’Souza could not rest on the laurels of the establishment of the high school. There remained a lot of other work to be completed such as leveling the hill in front of  the high school building and preparing a playground for the high school students. Once again with the help of voluntary labour of the parishioners considerable amount of the hill was flattened.

Meanwhile, Fr. Abundius D’Souza invited the Bethany Sisters to come to Belle and assist in the pastoral and educational activities of the parish. The Bethany Sisters accepted the invitation and opened their house named Loreto Convent at Belle on 31 May 1964.  Other important infra-structural work undertaken by Fr. Abundius D’Souza included erecting a gate in front of the church compound, replacing the old dilapidated structure of the higher primary school with a new building consisting of seven class rooms and electrification of the church and the residence of the priests.

Fr. Abundius D’Souza has been known as the priest who encouraged a large number of young men and women to join religious life.  During his tenure as the parish priest not only a large number of vocations for religious life can be traced but also a number of priests offered their first Masses following their ordination. In April 1960, the Bishop of Kuwait, Most  Rev. Dr. Stellan visited Belle parish and gave a generous donation of Rs.6,000 to the high school building. It was during the tenure of Fr. Abundius D’Souza, Salvador Barboza, who had rendered service in the church as sacristan since the inception of the parish retired. Another prominent person who devoted a lot of time in the service of the parish in various capacities was Immanuel D’Souza popularly known as ‘Monnu Master’.

As the parishioners from Pamboor found it difficult to attend religious services and Sunday Masses and fulfill other spiritual needs they were provided a separate church which was eventually raised into an independent parish. During the tenure of Fr. Abundius D’Souza, besides Fr. Theodore Lobo, Fr. Albert Menezes, Fr. Mark Fernandes and Fr. Valerian D’Souza served as assistant parish priests in Belle.  Following the transfer of Fr. Valerian D’Souza, Fr. Sylvester Vas served both as assistant parish priest and a teacher in St. Lawrence High school.

After rendering long service to the parishioners of Belle and making a mark as a hardworking, devout and forward looking priest, Fr. Abundius D’Souza was transferred to Kirem on 15 May 1969.

Belle Parish on the Path of Progress

Fr. Valerian G.F. Rego was the fifth parish priest of the Belle who took charge on 16 May 1969. Fr. Rego was the first parish priest who had to shoulder multiple responsibilities. He was not only the parish priest, but also the headmaster of St. Lawrence High School as well as the Correspondent of both Church Aided Higher Primary School and St. Lawrence High School. On 14 April 1972, Fr. Rego celebrated the Silver Jubilee of his priesthood and donated the new altar to offer Mass.

Realising the difficulties that the poor children faced while getting themselves educated, Fr. Rego constituted a fund for helping the needy students. In order to provide additional classrooms for the higher primary school he extended the building with three classrooms. Realising the difficulties faced by the parishioners,  Fr. Rego gave up the practice of voluntary labour (sarthi) for clearing the remaining part of the hillock in front of the high school building and hired a bulldozer to do the job. He also laid the foundation of a hall for the high school students.

During the tenure of Fr. Valerian Rego as the parish priest, first, Fr. Godfrey Saldanha and later Fr. William D’Silva served in the parish as assistant parish priests. The latter started the Youth Welfare Association at Belle. Fr. Harry Tauro was the next assistant parish priest who was interested in singing and he developed the parish choir. Fr. Harry Tauro became quite popular among the children as he used to organize games and picnics for the sodality children. Fr. Alphonse D’Lima who arrived as the assistant parish priest later was enthusiastic about the spiritual and social activities. He was a good writer and orator. He endeared to the sick people by visiting them regularly and inquiring about their health.  Fr. Vincent Martis, the next assistant parish priest, revived the Catholic Youth Movement (CYM) and got himself involved in many activities of the parish.

After seven years of service as the parish priest of Belle, Fr. Valerian G.F. Rego was transferred to Thottam parish on 21 May 1976.

Following the transfer of Fr. Valerian G.F. Rego to Thottam, Fr. Alexander Lobo, a young and dynamic priest, arrived in Belle as the new parish priest. Like his predecessor, Fr. Alexander Lobo also had to share the responsibilities as the parish priest, headmaster and Correspondent.  It was during his tenure that the high school acquired the permanent recognition from the education department.

If Fr. Abundius D’Souza has been remembered for starting the high school at Belle, Fr. Alexander Lobo can be considered as the pioneer who started the Junior College. In 1981, Fr. Alexander Lobo started St. Lawrence Pre University College with 60 students. The Junior College enabled those students who wanted to continue their education after SSLC to pursue Pre-university course in Belle itself. Fr. Lobo raised the building for the hall on the foundation that was already laid by Fr. Valerian Rego earlier. He also provided a spacious office and staff room facilities to the Church Aided Higher Primary School.

In order to improve the results of the SSLC, Fr. Lobo devised a method by which the students who wanted to concentrate on studies were encouraged to stay in the school during the night and were provided food and other facilities. Fr. Alexander Lobo kept a constant vigil on the students and helped them in overcoming difficulties. This innovation worked well and the SSLC results began to improve appreciably. It was due to the efforts of Fr. Alexander Lobo that the education department sanctioned the SSLC examination centre at Belle so that SSLC students could appear for the examination at Belle itself without going all the way to Udupi.

In the social field also Fr. Alexander Lobo made a mark by his dedicated work. In order to help the alcoholics to kick off their habit, Fr. Alexander Lobo started the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in the parish. After completing seven years as the parish priest and principal, though Fr. Alexander Lobo knew that he was likely to be transferred soon, so he visited Gulf countries on a fundraising mission and succeeded in raising Rs. 85,000 for St. Lawrence PU College.

Fr. Alexander Lobo did a lot of work for the material progress in various ways. He got a well dug with abundant water near the church and carried on coconut plantation. He also got another well dug in the church property at Mattar and promoted horticulture at that place. In order to help the poorer parishioners, Fr. Lobo founded St. Vincent De Paul Society on 20 October 1978. He also established a fund for helping the girls from poorer families to get married. He started a project to provide houses for the needy. On the land donated by Albert Sequeira of Kanaradi, Fr. Lobo got a well sunk and constructed three tile roofed houses for the poor families. He also worked towards getting financial assistance to the poor families through his contact with foreign philanthropists. He also worked for the promotion of the youth by organising various competitions at the parish as well as inter-parish level.

Fr. Robert Michael Miranda (presently Bishop of Gulbarga) was the assistant parish priest during the tenure of Fr. Alexander Lobo as the parish priest. Under the direction of Fr. Robert Miranda, for the first time the story of Christ (Christha Katha) was presented in Indian style during Easter night.  As Fr. Miranda was good at singing, he gave a new life to the church choir and raised it to new heights. He was also instrumental in erecting the big cross on the Cross Hill on Good Friday that enabled the parishioners to meditate on the sufferings and death of Jesus on the cross. After the transfer of Fr. Robert Miranda, Fr. Frederick D’Souza assisted Fr. Alexander Lobo. Fr. Frederick D’Souza was a good musician that helped in improving the parish choir. The next assistant parish priest was Fr. Claude Paes.

After seven years of dedicated service in Belle during which he had undertaken a number of great works including the establishment of St. Lawrence PU College, Fr. Alexander Lobo was transferred to Rosario High School, Mangalore as headmaster on 20 May 1983.

Further Progress of the Belle Parish

By this time Belle parish had made considerable progress especially in the field of education. First the high school and later the Junior College enabled the students to acquire education in Belle itself at least till the PUC. Those who wanted to continue higher college education could proceed either to Shirva or Udupi.  With the passage of time Belle witnessed further progress in the field of education and other respects. This phase also witnessed the establishment of the English medium school in Belle.

Fr. Harold Menezes arrived at Belle as the seventh parish priest on 21 May 1983. Having experience in various fields, Fr. Menezes has  been known as a priest of devotion and discipline. He was able to win over the minds of the parishioners and helped in the spiritual and material growth of the parish.

Following the transfer of Fr. Alexander Lobo as the headmaster of the Rosario High School, Mangalore, there was a need for a principal to manage St. Lawrence Composite PU College and  Fr. Marian Pinto occupied that position. During the tenure of Fr. Harold Menezes as the Correspondent and Fr. Marina Pinto as the principal, the Silver Jubilee of the establishment of St. Lawrence High School was celebrated with great enthusiasm. On this occasion, the foundation stone for the new building for the Junior College was blessed by the Vicar General of the Mangalore Diocese, Rev. Fr. Alexander D’Souza. The Platinum Jubilee of the foundation of the Belle parish was also celebrated in a grand manner.

Fr. Harold Menezes repaired the parochial house, constructed a new bell tower and used the tower to support the water tank so that the high school-PU College complex could get drinking water. He also celebrated the Platinum Jubilee of the Church Aided Higher Primary School and in its memory constructed a new auditorium.  It was during the tenure of Fr. Harold Menezes that the quarterly parish journal ‘Suvaad’ was published which has gradually grown in quality and size.

Giving importance to religious and spiritual studies, Fr.  Harold Menezes attempted to promote liturgical services in a more meaningful way.  He also tried to infuse new life in the parish associations, especially the Catholic Youth Movement (CYM) of the parish. The youth of that time had won a number of prizes in the parish, inter-parish and inter-varado level competitions.
During the tenure of Fr. Harold Menezes as the parish priest, Fr. Gerald Pinto, Fr. Victor Gerald D’Souza, Fr. Ronald Serao and Fr. Ronald D’Souza had rendered their service in the Belle parish as assistant parish priests. On 2 June 1990, Fr. Harold Menezs was transferred to Derebail parish.

Following the transfer of Fr. Harold Menezes, Fr. John Joseph Saldanha came to Belle as the eighth parish priest on 1 June 1990. Always smiling, amiable and down to earth, Fr. Saldanha endeared to the people of Belle. He was chiefly responsible for opening the branch of the Syndicate Bank near St. Lawrence Composite PU College. He also built a hall  on the first floor of the PU College.

During the tenure of Fr. J.J. Saldanha as the parish priest, he was assisted by Fr. Peter Paul Saldanha, Fr. Assisi Rebello and Fr. Alban D’Silva. Fr. Lewis Cutinho who taught as a lecturer in the Junior College also had assisted in the pastoral work of the parish. After serving for seven years, Fr. John Joseph Saldanha was transferred to Kinnigoli as Vicarvaar on 21 May 1997.

On 22 May 1997, Fr. Charles Lewis took charge as the ninth parish priest of Belle. It was during his tenure that the multi-purpose parish hall was constructed near the church. Realising the need of the time, Fr. Charles Lewis started St. Lawrence English Medium School. As the pastoral house had become too old, Fr. Charles Lewis demolished the old structure and constructed a new one at its place.

Fr. Charles Lewis worked hard to build the parish community from the grass-root. He introduced the concept of the Small Christian Community (SCC) at the ward level. He upgraded the small chapel at Kuntalnagar into a church so that the parishioners of that area could have a place of worship near their residences. Later, Fr. Charles Lewis was appointed as the first parish priest of Kuntalnagar from 16 May 2003.

During the tenure of Fr. Charles Lewis as the parish priest of Belle, Fr. Anil Cornelio and Fr. Lawrence Mascarenhas served as assistant parish priests.  Meanwhile, Fr. Paul Sequeira took charge of St. Lawrence PU College as the principal.

Beginning of a New Era

A new era in the history of St. Lawrence Parish, Belle began to unfold with the arrival of Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza as the tenth parish priest on 14 May 2003. The fact that he had earlier served the Belle parish as an assistant parish priest 38 years ago made him a familiar face especially with the older generation of the parish. He had come to Belle with a lot of experience being the Episcopal Vicar of Udupi, Kallianpur and Kundapur Varados. He was sent to Belle by the Bishop of Mangalore with a mission to build a new church as the existing church building had become quite old and dilapidated. Besides the construction of the magnificent new church building, the list of the infrastructural work that was undertaken by Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza has been quite impressive.

Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza improved the connecting road between the church and St. Lawrence Composite PU College by providing cement drainage on both sides of the road and raising and asphalting of the road. He got the ground around the church levelled and built a compound wall around it. On the levelled land to the western side of the church, a beautiful coconut and banana orchard was developed.

The crowning glory of Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza’s tenure as the parish priest of Belle is the construction of the spacious and magnificent new church building.  As it was realised that the previous church building had become quite old and outdated and there was a need for additional inner space there had been a desire and a plan to have a new church building. However, Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza proceeded in this matter in a democratic manner. First, he placed the proposal of the new church building in the Parish Pastoral Council which was unanimously accepted by it. Later, a ward level survey was conducted for the general approval of the parishioners and their potential to pay contribution towards constructing the new church building. The proposal for a new church was eventually approved by the Bishop of Mangalore, Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D’Souza.

Prior to the construction of the new church building, the structure of the old church was pulled down with the assistance of the parishioners and the construction of the new church began with earnestness. Parishioners from Belle, within India and abroad generously donated a considerable amount of money for the construction of the new church building whose cost was over one crore of rupees.

Meanwhile, Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza undertook the construction of a separate nine classroom building for St. Lawrence English Medium School at the cost of 35 lacs of rupees. The foundation stone for the new school building was laid by Mr. Simon Noronha of Thirlapalke who is a prominent entrepreneur in Dubai. The new school building was blessed and inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D’Souza on 10 August 2005.

Simultaneously, the construction of the new church building was in progress which took two year to complete. It is said that among the churches that were built in the last hundred years, there has been no other church building so beautifully and solidly constructed.

Besides constructing the new church, Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza provided vast space around the church by carving out a considerable portion of the Cross Hill. He also built the Shrine in honour of St. Lawrence within the Church compound sponsored by Mrs. Flavia and  Benedict Martis of Kattingeri in the name of their children Bradley and Brenda.

The function to inaugurate the newly built church had started earlier with the Confraternity Sunday and ‘hore kanike’ (vojim). People from Shirva, Pamboor, Kanajar, Kuntalnagar and all the 22 wards of the Belle parish and even non-Catholic brethren whole heartedly participated in the grand procession on 29 December 2005, bringing varieties of consumer items to the church which were used to provided community meal on the occasion of the annual parish feast and the function of inaugurating the new church building.

The ceremony for the blessing and inauguration of the new church building was attended by a large number of parishioners and people from neighbouring parishes.  Many religious from the parish were also present besides a large number of priests from the diocese. Five Bishops Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore, Most Rev. Dr. Robert Miranda, who had earlier served as assistant parish priest of Belle and presently the Bishop of Gulbarga, Most Rev. Dr. Gerald I. Lobo, Bishop of Shimoga, Most Rev. Dr. Salvadore Lobo of Mattar Belle, presently Bishop of Bhuraipur in West Bengal and Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza of Kattingeri Belle, presently Archbishop of Agra were present for the inaugural ceremony.

The main entrance tower in front of the church compound was inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr. Salvadore Lobo; the Shrine of St. Lawrence was inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza; the main church building was inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr. Robert Miranda and the church building was blessed by Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius P. D’Souza.

Following the solemn feast mass, a stage programme was organised in the specially arranged pavilion in the church compound during which the prominent guests were honoured, those who worked in the construction of the new church building were rewarded and all those who had donated higher amount towards the construction of the new church building were felicitated. Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza who was instrumental in the construction of the new church was also honoured. The function of the inauguration of the new church building on 5 January 2006 was memorable one in many ways.

As the residence for the priests was too small, Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza took initiative to construct a spacious parochial house. His other building activities include construction of the ground floor of the English Medium High School.

As the Correspondent of the St. Lawrence group of educational institutions, Fr. Valerian provided a separate and well equipped Principal’s office in St. Lawrence Composite PU College, water taps for washing hands and plates before and after the midday meal for the students and a cycle shed. During the Silver Jubilee of the St. Lawrence Composite P U College, Fr. Valerian provided other infrastructural facilities such as a better staff room for the Pre University lecturers and a resting room for lady teachers. He also got  the office of the College-High School renovated, extended the  compound wall till the playground and gave a facelift to the main Pre University College building.

Realising the importance of Computer education to the students in modern times, Fr. Valerian provided computers for the newly set up computer laboratory in the Pre University College. During his tenure as the Correspondent, the Science Section of the Pre University College was started in 2008 as a memorial of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Pre University College. For the future development of the institution, Fr. Valerian purchased 1.35 acres of land towards the west of the high school building to be used for sports facilities.

Fr. Valerian’s great achievement in changing the face of the church complex earned him the epithet as the “Architect of Modern Belle.” As in other parishes, Fr. Valerian took steps to promote spiritual enhancement among the parishioners of Belle and gave a new direction to the youths by encouraging them to organise their activities through Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM).

Acknowledging his valuable service to the Belle parish, the ever grateful people of the village celebrated the 75th birthday of Fr. Valerian on a grand scale on 15 October 2007. This solemn occasion was graced by four Bishops, 134  priests, around 50 nuns and sisters and around 2,200 people, who were provided lunch following the felicitation function. Though he was to retire after completing 75 years of age Fr. Valerian was asked to continue in Belle till the arrival of the parish priest, Fr. Joswey Fernandes in June 2008, as the transfer of priests were usually scheduled in the months of May and June. After retirement, Fr. Valerian went to the Senior Priests’ Home at Jeppu  in Mangalore.

During the tenure of Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza as the parish priest, Fr. Paul Sequeira was serving as the principal of St. Lawrence Composite PU College. The other assistant parish priests who rendered their service are: Fr. Nelson D’Almeida who after serving in the parish for one year was deputed for higher studies in Pune. His place was taken by the newly ordained young priest, Fr. Vincent Crasta.  

Towards a better future

A new era in St. Lawrence Parish of Belle had started with the building and inauguration of the beautiful and magnificent new church building in 2006. By this time there had been all-round progress in terms of education and material wellbeing of the parishioners. With a strong foundation, the parishioners of Belle naturally looked forward towards a better future.

Following the retirement of Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza, Fr. Joswey Fernandes, the present parish priest of Belle took charge of the parish on 2 June 2008. He came to the parish with vast experience after working in Attur-Karkala for some years where he constructed the new church building and the beautiful facade of the famous St. Lawrence Church. Later he worked at Niddodi before coming to Belle.

Soon after taking charge of the Belle parish, Fr. Joswey got the new church-bell inaugurated through the previous parish priest, Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza on 15 June 2008. In order to save space, he got the KG classes of the English Medium School transferred to old parochial house in July 2008.

Fr. Joswey was keen to see that the parishioners actively took part in the liturgical services and for the first time made arrangements to distribute the readings and other aspects of the liturgy to all the wards of the parish during the calendar feast of St. Lawrence on 10 August 2008.

Thereafter with the intention of building a strong parish community from the grass root level, Fr. Joswey made it a point to attend meetings of the Small Christian Communities (SCC) in different wards and began to register the correct information of each of the families in the ward.

In order to provide an opportunity for the students to have proper foundation in the English language, Fr. Joswey organised the English Speaking Course between 13 to 18 of October 2008. On the Children’s Day on 14 November 2008, he inaugurated the Kid’s Park in the Church premises.

With a view to promote personal touch with the parishioners, Fr. Joswey initiated the practice of displaying the birthdays of the parishioners on the notice board and wishing the individuals personally on their birthdays. As the Director of the ICYM, Fr. Joswey got the water-cooler installed near the shrine of St. Lawrence for the benefit of the parishioners attending the services in the church.

In order to collect a maximum amount of contribution from the parishioners for the Mission Sunday, Fr. Joswey initiated the practice of auctioning various items donated by the parishioners for this purpose. On the occasion of the All Souls Day on 2 November, he started the practice of cleaning the cemetery and decorating the graves with flowers and candles and blessing and praying in the cemetery along with the family members.

One of the significant events that was undertaken by Fr. Joswey Fernandes as the Correspondent of the educational institutions of the parish was the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of St. Lawrence High School in association with Fr. Paul Sequeira, principal of St. Lawrence Composite PU College on three days-28, 29 and 30 of December 2009.

On 28 December 2009, the Golden Jubilee celebrations were inaugurated with the solemn thanks-giving mass concelebrated by Rev. Fr. Wilson L.V. D’Souza, Secretary of the Catholic Board of Education as the chief celebrant. Following the thanksgiving mass, a grand procession was organised from the Church Aided Higher Primary School ground winding through the main road and church compound terminating in the quadrangle of St. Lawrence High School and PU College. In the High School-College quadrangle, the chief guest of the function-Commodore Jerome Castelino hoisted the School Flag, thus inaugurating officially the three days Golden Jubilee celebrations.

Following the grand opening ceremony of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of St. Lawrence High School in the morning, the chief function of the Golden Jubilee was held on the same day evening, presided over by Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore. The chief guest was Mr. Lalaji R. Mendon, MLA representing the Kaup Constituency. Dr. Aloysius P. D’Souza unveiled the portrait of late Fr. Abundius D’Souza, founder of St. Lawrence High School fifty years ago and offered a floral tribute to him. On this occasion, the souvenir commemorating the fifty years of St. Lawrence High School titled “Swarna Vallari” (Golden Creeper) was released by Mr. Lalaji R. Mendon.

On the second day of the three days Golden Jubilee celebrations ‘Guruvandana’ programme was organised which was meant to remember and honour all those correspondents, headmasters, principals and members of the teaching and non-teaching staff, both past and present for serving and nurturing St. Lawrence Educational Institutions with dedication and commitment.

The ‘Guruvandana’ programme was presided over by Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes, Episcopal Vicar of Udupi District. As part of the ‘Guruvandana’ programme, first of all the past Correspondents of St. Lawrence Educational Institutions were honoured.  Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza, popularly known as the ‘Builder of Modern Belle’ received the honour on behalf of all the Correspondents.  The retired teachers and members of the non-teaching staff as well as all those teachers who had left the High School and all the serving members of the teaching and non-teaching staff were also honoured on this occasion.

The Old Students and Parents-Teachers Associations held their combined programme in the morning of Wednesday, 30 December 2009 with games on the ground and stage function in the hall followed by lunch. The programme honouring the past meritorious students was held in the evening of the same day. While Fr. Joswey Fernandes presided over the function, Sr. Eugene D’Souza, Superior General of the Holy Cross Sisters of Chavanod who is the past student of St. Lawrence High School was the chief guest. Philip D’Souza, the first ever student of St. Lawrence High school to secure the top position in the state in the SSLC examination was honoured. On this occasion the new and improved website of was inaugurated. The entertainment programme for the evening was arranged by Bellevision (UAE) by presenting music and singing by Rhythm Udupi under the name ‘Rasa Manjari’ following which the Tulu Comedy play “Panandhe Padhrad” was presented.

The three days Golden Jubilee celebrations of St. Lawrence High School was a great success due to the efforts of all the people who were associated with these celebrations under the leadership of Fr. Joswey Fernandes, the Correspondent and Fr. Paul Sequeira, the principal of St. Lawrence Composite PU College with the cooperation of the staff members, Old Students’ Association, Parents-Teachers Association, parents of the students, well-wishers and donors and the students themselves.

As the Belle parish was to complete 100 years on 2 November 2010, the yearlong centenary celebrations were inaugurated on the annual parish feast day on 6 January 2010.

As a part of the Centenary celebration, the Cross Hill has been given a new shape with flat surface on the top so that more people can be accommodated during various occasions such as Vespers on the eve of the annual parish feast and the blessing of new paddy on the feast of the nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary on 8 September every year.

Centenary Celebration of Foundation of the Parish

The parishioners celebrated the Centenary of the foundation of their parish on Monday, November 1, 2010 with a solemn Thanksgiving Mass and observation of the Parish Day during which a number of eminent persons were felicitated and a community lunch was organized.

The chief celebrant of the Thanksgiving Mass was Dr Valerian D’Souza, former parish priest and the builder of the magnificent new church building five years ago, along with other celebrants - Fr Joswey Fernandes, Fr Arun Mendonca, Fr Lancy Saldanha, Fr Maxim Pinto, Fr Dancy Martis and Fr George D’Souza, director of the Kodialbail Press. Fr Dancy Martis OFM (Cap), a native of Moodubelle, in his homily highlighted the message of the Gospel of the day emphasizing on the Sermon on the Mount. The parish choir led by Fr Paul Sequeira with melodious singing raised the spirit of the congregation to new heights.

Following the Thanksgiving Mass, a brief stage function was organised during which all those couples who have completed 60 years and more of their married lives, former and present-vice presidents and secretaries of the parish pastoral council, all the Gurkars who had served their wards for more than ten years, those who had helped in the organisation of the parish day including caterers and finally the priests of the parish were felicitated.

The ICYM organised ‘Sangam-2010’ an inter-parish cultural competition on 7 November 2010 in which five parishes-Shirva, Pamboor, Udyavar, Kuntalnagar and Thottam had participated, Pamboor, Shirva and Thottam parishes winning first, second and third positions respectively. Earlier, on the evening of 8 September 2010, the ICYM had organised the Talents Day in the parish.

During Fr. Joswey’s tenure as the parish priest, Fr. Navin Pinto served for a few months as the assistant parish priest before proceeding to study for the B.Ed. course. Presently, other than Fr. Joswey Fernandes, there are three other priests in the Belle parish-Fr. Paul Sequeira, principal of St. Lawrence Composite PU College, Fr. Arun Mendonca who teaches in St. Lawrence High School and Fr. Lancy Saldanha who is the principal of St. Lawrence English Medium School.

The Belle parish has been a fertile ground for religious vocations. A large number of priests, both diocesan and belonging to religious orders and religious sisters have been working as missionaries in many parts of north India and even abroad.  Three of the Belleans are Bishops serving in north India.

Thus, St. Lawrence Parish of Belle has grown in all respects, materially, educationally and spiritually since it was established hundred years ago. It is a matter of great pride and satisfaction to the present generation that our forefathers had made great sacrifices and maintained and passed on the faith that they had acquired to the succeeding generations. As the parish completes the programmes associated with the Centenary Year on 5 January 2011 with the solemn annual parish feast and valedictory function, let us salute Fr. Casmir Fernandes and all the succeeding parish priests and assistant parish priests, all the lay people who had rendered service to the community and look forward to a new era of greater spirituality, cooperation and brotherhood.

Centenary Celebrations of the parish

The Grand ‘Horekanike’ procession marked the beginning of the Centenary Celebrations of the parish on 30th December 2010. This was followed by ‘Maha-annasantarpane” on the Confraternity Sunday, 2nd January 2011.

Vocation Day was celebrated as an integral part of the Centenary Celebrations of the foundation of the parish on Monday, 3rd January 2011 at 10 am with a solemn Mass concelebrated by 18 priests mostly from Belle. Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza, a native of Belle and presently the Archbishop of Agra Archdiocese was the chief celebrant. Delivering homily during the Mass, Fr.Deepak D’Souza explaining the relevance of vocation, pointed out how in the Old Testament God called upon the Prophets to preach to the people and work among them.

The day that the parishioners of St Lawrence Church Belle had been eagerly awaiting dawned on Wednesday, January 5, 2011. The Jubilee High mass at 10am was presided over by Bishop of Mangalore Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza. Archbishop of Agra & a native of Belle Dr Albert D’Souza, Dean of the Udupi Deanery Fr Mathew Vaz, Parish Priest Fr Joswey Fernandes, PU College Principal Fr Paul Sequeira, former parish priests - Fr Harold Menezes, Fr Charles Lewis, Dr Valerian D’Souza and many other priests were the concelebrants. The feast homily was delivered by Fr Ronald Serrao, former assistant parish priest of Belle, and presently serving as professor in St Joseph’s Seminary, Jeppu-Mangalore.

The week-long Centenary Celebrations of the foundation of St. Lawrence Parish Belle concluded with ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’ (Celebration of Communal Harmony) and a social Tulu play-‘Aaye Subage...’ in the evening of 5th January 2011 from 6.30 pm in the church premises. The ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’ was presided over by Rev. Dr. Lawrence C. D’Souza-Director, St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore.

Following the end of the ‘Sauharda Sambhrama’, at 9 pm, the Tulu play, ‘Aaye Subage...” which is a social comedy was presented by Ranga Taranga of Kaup. The play with social message and comic flavour was written by Shyam Chitrapur and was directed by B.S. Kodagu.

Grand Finale to Centenary Celebration of Belle Church Aided Higher Primary School

The grand valedictory function of the Centenary Celebration of Belle Church Aided Higher Elementary School was held on Monday, 30 December 2013 from 5 pm with stage function and cultural programme by the students of St. Lawrence Educational Institutions and Rasamanjari Programme titled ‘Woh Yadein..’ presented by the NRI Old Students of Belle Church Aided Higher Primary School.

Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi presided over the valedictory function. Bishop Gerald inaugurated the building where as Secretary of CBE Rev. Fr. Wilson V. D’Souza inaugurated the cooking facility. The other dignitaries included Vinaya Kumar Sorake –Urban Development Minister and Guardian Minister of Udupi District; Rev. Fr. Joswey Fernandes-Correspondent of St. Lawrence Educational Institutions , Sylvester Mathias-Headmaster and others.

Minister Vinay Kumar Sorake formally inaugurated the valedictory function by lighting the lamp. Thereafter, Fr Wilson V D’Souza presented 100 years’ History of Belle Church Aided Higher Primary School tracing its origin, growth and success. He recalled the service rendered by the succeeding correspondents and headmasters during the last 100 years. The Centenary Souvenir “Shatasourabha” was released by Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo.

St Lawrence Community Hall-Souharda Soudha inaugurated at Moodubelle

Beautifully constructed magnificent community hall ‘Souharda Soudha’ was inaugurated, blessed and dedicated to the people jointly by Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese and Dr Albert D’Souza, Archbishop of Archdiocese of Agra and native of Moodubelle in the presence of a large number of priests, religious, parishioners and the villagers of Moodubelle on December 2, 2018.

The inauguration and blessing of the community hall was preceded by a solemn thanksgiving mass offered by Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo, Archbishop Albert D’Souza along with Fr Clement Mascarenhas, parish priest of Moodubelle and other priests. Dean of Udupi Deanery Fr Valerian Mendonca delivered the homily.

Soon after the mass, people assembled in front of the newly constructed community hall. Archbishop Albert D’Souza inaugurated the community hall by cutting the ribbon, while Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo unveiled the granite slab that included the date of laying of the foundation stone by Fr Valerian D’Souza and the inauguration and blessing of the community hall by Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo. Bishop Gerald Lobo conducted the prayer service and thereafter along with Archbishop Albert D’Souza blessed the hall.

The thanksgiving mass and the inaugural function was attended by Rev Msgr Baptist Menezes - Vicar General of Udupi Diocese , Fr Denis D’Sa- Parish priest of Shirva and Dean of Shirva Deanery, Fr Fred Mascarenhas - Parish priest of Padukone and brother of Fr Clement Mascarenhas, Fr Valerian D’Souza - former Parish priest of Moodubelle, Fr Frederick D’Souza -Parish priest of Manipal, Fr Mahesh D’Souza - Principal of Don Bosco CBSE High School, Shirva, Fr Prakash Lobo (OFM Cap) and other priests.

Parish priests who have served in the parish :

  1. Fr. Casmir Fernandes (1910 to 1935)
  2. Fr. Alphonse Maria Ligory D’Souza (1935 - 1945)
  3. Fr. Jerome Pinto (1945 - 1957)
  4. Fr. Abundius D’Souza (1957 - 1969)
  5. Fr. Valerian G.F. Rego (1969 - 1976)
  6. Fr. Alexander Lobo (1976 - 1983)
  7. Fr. Harold Menezes (1983 - 1990 )
  8. Fr. John Joseph Saldanha (1990 - 1997)
  9. Fr. Charles Lewis (1997 - 2003)
  10. Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza (2003 - 2008)
  11. Fr Joswey Fernandes (2008 - 2015)
  12. Fr Clement Mascarenhas (2015 - 2021)
  13. Fr George D'Souza (from 2021 onwards )

Compiled by Catholic Time Staff with inputs from article written by Dr. Eugene D’Souza, Moodubelle for in Dec 2010.
Last updated in Dec 2021.

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