By Avil Dsouza

Nirmalpadav - Parapady ,  Sep 9, 2024 : The feast of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Nirmalpadav with tradition and fervor on Sunday, September 8..

At 8:30 am ,Rev. Fr Vincent Saldanha blessed the new corn in front of the grotto near the church. Later, a procession was taken to the church during which flowers were offered to Mother Mary.

The festive Solemn High Mass was concelebrated by Rev Fr. Vincent Saldanha , Manager, Kodialbail Press, Mangalore along with parish priest Rev Fr. Denis Dsouza. In his beautiful homily, Rev Fr. Vincent Saldanha, pointed out Mother Mary and the need to make devotion to the Mother of Lord, Mother Mary. She was chosen by God and became Mother of Jesus Christ. Mother Mary is also Mother of us. Mother Mary listened to the good news from God and She followed God throughout Her life. She is the Salvation of Humanity and we, devotees of Mother Mary should respect humanity as well.

At the end of the celebrations after the announcement by the parish priest Rev.Fr Denis , the feast donors & sponsors were honored with handing over candles.

Meanwhile blessed paddy corns were also distributed to the parishioners during the end of the mass. Fr. Vincent Saldanha also handed over prizes to the winners' of elocution competition organised by Catholic Sabha of Parapady unit. Sugarcanes & Desserts were distributed to the all participated parishioners.


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