Report by Sr Laveena Maria BS

Mangaluru, Feb 22 : The Second House of the Centenary Housing Project of Bethany Congregation of Mangalore Province was inaugurated on 22nd February 2020, at Kirem near here. Mr Wilfred Monis and his family is the Beneficiary.

The programme started at 12.00pm. Rev Sr Cicilia Mendonca, the Provincial Superior inaugurated the house. Rev Fr Victor D’Mello the Parish Priest of Our Lady of Remedies Church, Kirem blessed the house with prayer ceremony.

In a formal stage programme, Sr Cicilia Mendonca handed over the key of the house to the beneficiary. Mr Wilfred honoured Sr Cicilia Mendonca the Provonicial Superior for the financial help to construct the house. The parish priest appreciated the gesture of goodwill of Bethany Sisters to extend help to build the house to Mr Wilfred and his family. He wished well for the family members and applauded Mr Wilfred for his dedicated and committed services to the needy and the church. Sr Cicilia Mendonca addressed the gathering and voiced the value of family and what should be there in a devout family. She congratulated the contractor Mr Maxim Pinto and honored him for successfully carrying out the project of construction amicably. Mr Wilfred thanked those who have helped him in various ways for the completion of the house.

Miss Preema Pinto compered the programme. There were Bethany Sisters, Bethany Lay Assoiciates, ward leader along with the members, family members and other well-wishers who graced the occasion. Sr Christella, the Superior of Mother of Mercy Convent, Kirem prayed grace over the meal. After the programme the fellowship meal was served to all.


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