CT News

Bantwal, Oct 18 : ICYM unit of St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Nirkan in collaboration with Catholic Sabha Nirkan unit and Parish Youth Commission organized an informative session regarding mental health on the occasion of World Mental Health Day which is celebrated worldwide on October 10. The session was arranged for children and their parents on Sunday, 16 October 2022 at 9:00 AM under the theme, ‘How to Maintain Mental Health’.

Parish Priest Rev. Fr Leo William Lobo, Parish Pastoral Council Vice President Mr Vincent Bennis, Holy Family Bethany Convent Superior Sr Celine Vas, ICYM President of Nirkan unit Mr Vinol Crasta, Catholic Sabha President of Nirkan Unit Mr Alphonse Fernandes, Parish Youth Commission Convenor Mr Lancy Rodrigues, children upto PUC along with their parents were present for this session.

Child Psychologist from Father Muller Medical College Hospital, Kankanady, Mrs Rikita Pais MSc (Psychology) was the resource person of this session. She briefed to the audience the topics such as mental stress, depression, anxiety, boosting self-confidence, how to face exams and other relevant topics like how to avoid suicidal thoughts and so on.

ICYM Vice President Ms Glean Shail D’Souza compered the program. Whereas, Catholic Sabha President - Mr Alphonse Fernandes welcomed the gathering, ICYM Joint Secretary - Ms Sweedal Rodrigues introduced the speaker and Ms Venisha Lasrado, member of ICYM conveyed the vote of thanks.


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