CT News

Bajpe, Sep 28, 2024 : On the occasion of the Nativity Feast, the ICYM of St Jospeh Church, Bajpe organized "Kutma Sangatha Tasvir" competition. Participants were asked to submit family photos capturing their celebrations on Nativity Feast Day and how they engaged with their families. The submitted photos showcased various moments, including family meals, food preparations, gatherings in front of the grotto, and more.

Twelve families participated with great enthusiasm. The winners of the competition are as follows:

1st Place: Jennifer Concesso - Lourdes Ward
2nd Place: Diana Rego - St. Theresa Ward
Reshma Rego - St. Theresa Ward
3rd Place: Robert Joseph D'Cunha - St. Peter Ward

The prizes were distributed during the 7:30 AM mass on September 15 by ICYM Bajpe Unit Director Rev. Dr. Ronald Cutinha.


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