Media Release

Mangaluru, May 13, 2024 : The eighth batch of zesty students of class 10 of Carmel School, Mangaluru, brought laurels to the school. All the students who appeared for the exam have passed with flying colours. Out of 114 students, 12 students procured above 90%, 24 students scored between 80% and 89% , 27 students secured between 70% and 79% , 23 students procured between 60% and 69 % and 28 students scored between 50% and 59 %.

It is evident that students have worked hard and dedicated themselves for their studies . Shanvitha V is the topper of the school with 94.80%. Aanchal Poojary with 94.60%% stands as second topper and Riyana Jiya Dsouza with 94 % stands third. Riyanna Jiya D’souza secured centum in Mathematics and Information Technology . Jeeval VK, Siha Mehek and Shanvitha V secured 100 in Information Technology have indeed added to the list of achievements.

Sister Lilly Pushpa , the Principal, Dr Sister Prem D’souza , the Administrator and Sister Premal , the Vice Principal appreciated the remarkable performance , determination , hard work and perseverance of the students.

The Management congratulated the students on their splendid performance, the Principal and the Faculty for their unstinted labor of love and the parents for encouragement and support.


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