Report : Meena Serrao Barboza
Photography: Anson Rego

Mangaluru, Nov 27 : More than 1000 faithful took part in the Holy Eucharist which was celebrated on the feast day of Christ the King in St Lawrence Church premises, Bondel at 4.30 p.m. on Sunday Nov 26 ,2023.

Rev Boniface Pinto , Spiritual Director , Divya Dhama Moodubelle celebrated the Solemn Festal Mass along with Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza - Parish Priest, Rev Fr Peter Gonsalves - St Lawrence Eng Med School Principal, Rev Fr Lancy D’Souza - Asst Parish Priest, con-celebrating with him.

Commemorating 2025 years since the birth of Jesus Christ, there was a ceremonious inauguration by Rev. Fr. Boniface Pinto, along with Rev. Andrew D'Souza, Rev. Peter Gonsalves, and Rev. Lancy D'Souza. The inauguration witnessed the unveiling of the Jubilee logo, marking the beginning of preparations for the Jubilee-themed ‘Pilgrims of Hope'.

After the Eucharistic Celebration, the Most Blessed Sacrament was exposed for public praise and worship. Rev. Fr Boniface Pinto, led the praise and worship. The praise and worship were followed by a meaningful, devout, and colorful Eucharistic Procession. Rev. Boniface Pinto led the procession, with the Blessed Sacrament taken around for public worship and blessing. The long procession through the city of Bondel culminated at the venue from where the procession began.

The procession was followed by an inspiring homily by Rev. Boniface Pinto. He said that the Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life. This Eucharist has sustained the Holy Catholic Church all through these years, even amidst suffering and persecution. The Eucharist is the one that will sustain our families, parishes, and the diocese. The church is the powerhouse where we are refilled, recharged, and renewed by the Holy Eucharist. Let’s approach this sacrament every day with great love and devotion.

The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. The term “Eucharist” originates from the Greek word eucharistia, meaning thanksgiving. We have come to the right place: the Eucharist. The best place to meet Jesus is in the Eucharist. Our most intimate moment with Jesus is when we receive Jesus in Holy Communion. We receive Jesus into our very bodies. We could not be closer to Jesus. We are one.

The four most important things about the Eucharist :

1. When we receive the Body of Christ, we are encountering Jesus and accepting his invitation to become like him.
2. When we receive Jesus in holy communion, we become united to the person of Christ through his humanity.
3. Beyond the Tabernacle: We are God's dwelling place. Give Jesus to your community.
4. We are called to give God reverence; Christ calls us to go into the world and share His gospel of salvation and to make disciples of all nations.

Rev. Fr. Boniface Pinto led the prayer of consecration. After the consecration, a solemn blessing of the Eucharistic Lord was invoked on all.

Rev. Fr. Andrew Leo D'Souza expressed gratitude to parishioners and parish pastoral council members for extending their cooperation and appreciated the selfless service of the volunteers towards St. Lawrence Church Bondel. The choir led by Dr. Suraj, and their team added solemnity to the Eucharistic Celebration with their melodious voices.


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