Report: Meena Serrao Barboza
Pics : Mr Rony

Mangaluru, Sep 25 : The Society of St Vincent de Paul of Bondel parish celebrated its patron St. Vincent de Paul's feast and remembered the founder Blessed Frédéric Ozanam on Sunday 24 September 2023.

The Eucharistic mass was celebrated by parish priest Rev Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza. In his homily Fr. Andrew pointed out the role of St Vincent de Paul to the poorest of the poor. His life was preaching missions to and providing relief to the poor, which became his passion, said Fr Andrew.

The liturgy of 7.00 a.m. Mass was conducted by the members of the Society of St Vincent de Paul.

A short programme was held at the church Mini hall at 8.00 a.m. The programme began with a prayer invoking God's Blessings. The SVP members made a pledge of Vincentians which was administered by the Parish Priest.

Mr Neris D’Sa , president of the SVP welcomed the gathering and presented the annual report.

Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza Parish Priest, Mr John D’Silva - Vice President Parish Pastoral Council , Mr Santhosh Misquith-Secretary Parish Pastoral Council, Mr Neris D’Sa President SVP, Mr Naveen Correa Secretory SVP, Mrs Shiney Monteiro were present at the dais.

On the occasion of Fr Andrew’s Diamond Birthday, SVP members arranged a cake. The cake was cut by Rev Fr Andrew while all sang “ Happy Birthday”. Mr Stany Alvares, on behalf of the SVP members, thanked God for giving us such a loving parish priest who kept the parishioners in God’s love and always ready to help and guide them to live as followers of Jesus Christ.

Rev Fr Andrew D’Souza in his address quoted the words of Jesus - Matthew 25:40 - 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me'. “We all have to live our life in church as one family. Let all of us take him as our role model in real life and help others in their needy times", said Fr Andrew.

While congratulating the SVP members for doing good work for the poor and needy people since 48 years , Fr Andrew explained that Society has done many good deeds by building houses and providing food grains and other things to the poor and advised the members to continue the good work of Fredrick Ozanam..

Mr Santhosh Misquith –Secretory Parish Pastoral Council said, “ Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. Help others without any reason and give without the expectation of receiving anything in return. Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth". He congratulated the members of the St Vincent De Paul society Bondel, not only the members but there are others who are not members but always lend a helping hand. Indirectly, they are also members of SVP.

Mr Wilfred Alvares President Catholic Sabha, City Varado said, " I am grateful to SVP Bondel unit for rendering their selfless service to the poor & needy. Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly, for the LORD your God will bless you in everything you do". He congratulated the members of the St Vincent De Paul society.

Mr Naveen Correa proposed a vote of thanks. Mr Stany Alvares compered the programme. Refreshments were served to all the members, well wishers , donors and adopted members of the SVP. The programme concluded with the meaningful hymn “Mhoja Lhana Bhavank".


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