Media Release

Mangaluru, Sep 7 : The festival forms an auspicious day for everyone in every society and religious communities. On the occasion of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary , the Lourdite family came together and celebrated this great day on 7th September 2023 the Silver Jubilee Year with devotion and love for Mother Mary.

The Manager Dr John Baptist Saldanha, Principal Rev Fr Robert Dsouza, Vice Principals Ms Belita Mascarenhas and Ms Anita Thomas, Deacon Lesten Lobo, Fr Arul and the Chief Guest of the day Rev Fr Praveen Leo Lasrado were on dais.

The programme began with a prayer followed by the intentions. Lancia Pais of Class welcomed the gathering. Jazline Saldanha  gave the importance of the day. Ms Lavina Castelino introduced the chief guest Rev Fr Praveen Leo Lasrado as he was felicitated by the dignitaries on the dais.

The Chief guest Rev Fr Leo Lasrado in his address narrated a story of a Mayonese Jar filled with balls representing more important things, marbles - next important, sand less important ,water least important and black ink as the negative things in our life. Just as the Mayonese Jar he stressed on filling our life with right important things, in the right order and in the right way.

The Manager Dr John Baptist Saldanha addressed the gathering and emphasised that happiness never becomes less when shared. He narrated a story depicting the selfless help given by Mother Mary to others and imbibing the same qualities in us. He appreciated the students' generosity towards the less privileged.

There was a Dance drama showing the story of the birth of Mother Mary by the students of Class 4.

The students of class 3 presented a beautiful dance praising Mother Mary.

Student Tara Bhandary proposed the Vote of Thanks.

The catholic students gathered near the grotto and  offered flowers to Mother Mary and the short programme  ended with a Eucharistic Celebration.


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