News & photos : Meena Serrao Barboza

Mangaluru, Sep 3 : The Catholic Sabha organized a "Teachers' Day Celebration" for all the teachers of St Lawrence Church on Sunday, 3rd September 2023 at 8:15 a.m. in the Bondel Church Mini Hall.

The programme was led off with a prayer by Catholic Sabha members . Mr Henbert Pinto, President Catholic Sabha Bondel Unit, welcomed the guests and the gathering.

Sr Sucorin Rebello –UMI inaugurated the programme by cutting the cake along with the guests on the dais. While addressing the teachers, sister spoke about the sacredness of the profession and their role as teachers in the life of every student they encounter in this noble profession. Christ, our T.E.A.C.H.E.R par excellence. Teachers play a very important role in a student’s life. As a teacher, one must bring out the best in students and inspire them to strive for greatness. Students are considered as the future of the nation and humankind, and a teacher is believed to be a credible guide for their advancement. Teachers build the future by planting a seed and nurturing it with every child that crosses their path. They truly are the salt of the earth. She congratulated the Catholic Sabha Bondel Unit for organizing the programme and wished all the teachers A Happy Teachers' day.

Sr Melissa AC - Principal Mount Carmel Central School, Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza - Parish Priest, Sr Sucorin Rebello –UMI , Correspondent MGC School ,Mr John D’Silva-Vice President , Parish Pastoral Council, , Mr Henbert Pinto - President, Mrs  Veronica Pais –Secretary  Catholic Sabha   were the guests present on the dais.

The resource person of the programme is Melissa AC – Principal, Mount Carmel Central School Mangaluru, shared her experience as a teacher and asked all the teachers to be dedicated, understanding and a role model to their students. She spoke on the topic of the New Education Policy that has its objective of making the learning process more efficient by enhancing students' thinking and creative ability.

The term ‘21st century skills’ are a set of skills and abilities that are required for success in workplaces in the 21st century, as identified by educators, There are 12 skills listed under this set which are divided into 3 main groups: Learning Skills, Literacy Skills & Life Skills.
Learning Skills: These include critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration skills
Life Skills: These include learning to be flexible, social, productive, and a good leader
Literacy Skills: These involve learning about technology and the media to be well-equipped with information technology.
Implementing the above strategies can help students acquire 21st-century skills besides the regular knowledge from textbooks. Initially, some may find it tough to adjust to this new learning method, but gradually, it will make them feel empowered.

Further, she said: A good Catholic teacher should be a person of faith, believe in the teachings of the Catholic Church and a role model to the students.  
Concluding Sr, Melissa shared the message of Pope Francis: A true educator accompanies, listens and dialogues. She congratulated the Catholic Sabha Bondel Unit for organizing the programme to recognize and felicitate the teachers.

Guests Sr Sucorin & Sr Melissa were felicitated with mementos as a token of love and appreciation.
Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza, Guest of honour, presided over the function. In his message he termed Mothers are the first teachers of all the moral values and attitudes that a child shows later in his/her entire life. Teaching is a noble profession that can earn you respect and dignity in the community. Learn how to teach and serve the world. Teaching is a mission. We teachers are not only teaching to have students with brilliant minds, we are also destined to produce human beings with heart and soul for everyone.

Mr Manohar Concesso, a PUC teacher, shared his views on behalf of all the teachers.
Children see their parents, teachers and other close ones and learn things from them. So it is our responsibility to be their role model and set a good example in front of them. It is our responsibility as parents to provide moral education to our children as early as possible.
Mrs Veronica Pais expressed the vote of thanks. The programme went on for about 2 hours. Around 60 teachers were present. Mr Wilfred Alvares, President City Varado, competed the programme. All the teachers were presented with a token of gratitude.


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