Report : Meena Serrao Barboza (MSB)
Photos : Stanly Bantwal

Mangaluru, Aug 8 : The Seventh Day Novena prior to the Feast of St Lawrence was held at St Lawrence Church Bondel - Mangalore on August 7, 2023.

Theme of 7th Day -"Let us accumulate the treasures of heaven in our families and walk on the path of heaven with faith and hope".

Rev Fr J.B Crasta-Director St Antony’s Ashram -Jeppu was the main celebrant , Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza, Rev Fr Prem Prakash Cutinha -Redemtorist con-celebrated the mass.

Rev Fr J.B Crasta called on the devotees of St Lawrence-Our greatest treasure is Jesus, we will desire to put our time, money, resources and talent on pursuits that glorify Him and we will store up treasures in the kingdom of heaven. "If anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward” (Matthew 10:42). The rich young man loved his money more than God in Matthew 19:16–30 , Young man chose this world’s treasure and so did not lay up treasure in heaven. He was unwilling to make Jesus his treasure. The young man was very religious, but Jesus exposed his heart of greed.

We Can Store Up Treasure in Heaven : 1. We Need a New Heart, 2. Help the Poor and Those in Need 3. Take Risks That Will Honor God 4. Live a Simple Life 5. Seek the Kingdom of God First 6. Trust the Promises of God and Do Not Be Anxious.

The Melodious choir was from Derebail Children's Choir. Special prayers were offered for the betterment of the families.

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