CT News

Kasaragod, July 28 : Grandparents' Day at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Ukkinadka was celebrated by ICYM Ukkinadka Unit on 23 July 2023.

Grandparents are the treasured gifts from God, they are the best story tellers and the keepers of traditions. They play a vital role in helping us grow up and honouring them is meaningful on the occasion of the feast of St. Joachim and St. Anna, grandparents of Jesus.

Grandparents' day was commenced with Holy Eucharistic celebration. Liturgical responsibility was taken by Legion of Mary members. The celebration began with cake cutting with all the grandparents of the parish. Parish Priest Fr. Sunil Miranda gave the message of the day. Grandparents were honoured with gifts.  Frinson D'Souza led the program. Everybody was so happy and it was a remarkable day. 


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