CT News

Bantwal, July 18 : As part of the Laudato Si program in the Mangalore Diocese, the ICYM and YCS Salethur Units celebrated  'Vanamahotsava' on 16th July, 2023 in the Nithyadar church premises.

Rev. Fr. Antony Britto sfx, Parish Priest, ICYM Animator Mithun Veigas, YCS Animator Royis D'Souza, ICYM President Manvith Veigas, ICYM secretary Rashmitha D'Souza, YCS President Anusha D'Souza, YCS Secretary Clevin Veigas were present. Rev Fr Antony Britto sfx symbolically distributed saplings to ward Gurkars, Parish Council Secretary Shalet D’Souza, Panchayat member Nathaliya Cutinha, ICYM Animator Mithun Veigas and YCS Animator Royis D Souza.

Later on, The ICYM members distributed the saplings to the parishioners and encouraged to plant them in their surroundings, and take good care of the common home.


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