Media Release

Mangaluru, April 10 : The parishioners along with their shepherd Rev Fr Anil D Mello and Rev Fr Anthony Shera the Secretary of CBE gathered together on the Church Ground to celebrate EASTER, the greatest feast in the Christian calendar on 8th April, 2023.

The Easter Vigil is made up of four stages: The Service of Light; The Liturgy of the Word; The Liturgy of Baptism and The Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Paschal Candle was lit from the new fire that was blessed and then carried, as “Christ our light” was proclaimed three times . The Exultet (Easter proclamation) helped the congregation to capture the whole Easter mystery placed within the context of the economy of salvation, followed by, Five Readings proclaimed from the Old Testament that aided to meditate on the wonderful works of God for his people since the beginning of time. In between each the Psalms were sung in response.

Rev Fr Antony Shera in his homily elucidated through Bible Quotes and Verses the reasons for the day’s celebration -1. foundational to one’s faith and hope. 2. Jesus Resurrection is a hope for the resurrection of all Faithful 3. To the modern world Jesus assures hope and inspiration and the reasons to believe Jesus rose from the dead- 1. Jesus himself testified to His coming resurrection from the dead. 2. The tomb was empty on Easter. 3. The disciples were almost immediately transformed.

The faithful were blessed with Holy water and all renewed their baptismal promises.

Ms Sumana Menezes compered the ceremony.


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