Report by : Sr Anna Maria BS

Mangaluru, Mar 8 : Shubadha Social Service Centre, Suralpady celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8, 2023 at 06:30pm at Shubadha short stay home for women, Suralpady, Kinnikambla. St Raymond’s Degree College, Vamanjoor NSS unit collaborated with the programme.

Mrs Anitha Norbert DSouza, the Panchayat member of Ganjimat Gram Panchayat was the chief guest. Sr Anna Maria BS the Secretary of Shubadha Society, Suralpady presided over the programme. Sr Herita Monthi Mathias BS the Director of Shubadha Centre, Sr Jessy Crasta the Principal of St Raymond’s Degree College, Dr Sujana NSS Programme Coordinator, Mrs Theresa Rego the senior woman from the locality, Mrs Sumathi, the President of Deepa SHG Suralpady were present on the dais.

Sr Anna Maria BS in her presidential address spoke about the history of Women empowerment and highlighted some of the facts wherein women should assert their rights in the family and society. She highlighted the achievements of great female personalities. She assured the women present on the occasion to carry on women empowerment activities in the neighbourhood. NSS students performed two dances and entertained the audience. Sr Herita Mathias BS welcomed the guests and the members present. She also conducted the spot games. The winners were awarded on the occasion.

Ms Vinutha Kulal the Lecturer from St Raymond’s Degree College expressed sentiments of gratitude on the occasion for all the guests and the participants. Ms Nathasha Noronha NSS student leader compeered the day’s programme. Mrs Theresa Rego was honoured as the senior most woman among the participants. There were around 60 participants such as neighbourhood women, Deepa SHG members, St Raymond’s College staff and NSS students, Shubadha staff and inmates were present for the programme. It was winded at 8.00pm. The refreshments were served on the occasion.


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